Sunday, August 22, 2021

One Last Lemon Dish

 Summer brings so many flavors that we love so much; and while we might enjoy them year round, they never taste quite as good as they do on a hot, sunny, summer kissed day! At the top of that list for me is lemon! From a tall glass of ice cold lemonade by the pool to some perfectly grilled chicken with a hint of citrus I can't enough.

 I am a lover of all things lemon, and thought it was about time I found a way to combine my obsession with another favorite around here, roasted potatoes. 

When I am making my weekly menu plan, I start with main dishes, move onto side dishes and then extras if needed. For example, if I am a making a big roast, or meatloaf, those will get a starchy side and a vegetable too. But if I'm planning a pasta supper, there is usually salad, garlic bread, or both. Over the years I have developed a so-called template that works for our family and it makes it easy to simply plug things into each category. 

What are the extras you ask? In the summer I add fresh fruit to as many meals as possible, or if we've been given some beautiful garden ripe tomatoes, those get sliced and put on the table. These are things that are seasonal to my template! 

When I'm planning suppers, if I get stumped, 9 times out of 10 it will be for a side dish! I don't like falling into a rut of always having the same things with the same meals. Of course we have favorites that if I tried to deviate from there would be riots, but other times it's okay for me to switch it up a bit. And when these moments happen, many times I turn to roasted potatoes. 

Why? Simple. I can make them a thousand different ways, so while they are yet another potato dish, they are still new because of unique flavors. Hence why I felt it was time to take my beloved summer flavor of lemon and find a way to utilize it in yet another roasted potato recipe. 

These spuds are perfectly crispy on the outside, buttery on the inside and bursting with bright, fresh flavor!By waiting until the end of the cooking time to add the fresh lemon juice, it elevates them to another level just before serving! They are perfect with anything you can think of, but grilled chicken or fish come to mind first! 

Summer might be coming to an end, but I'm hanging on with both hands, sucking every last bit of flavor out while I can, especially when it comes to lemon!

 Lemon Roasted Potatoes

3 lbs. small yellow potatoes, quartered

3 TBS olive oil

1/4 cup lemon juice

2 tsp. dried oregano

6 cloves garlic, minced

1 TBS dried parsley

Salt and pepper 

Preheat oven to 425. Place potatoes, oil, oregano, garlic, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Toss well. Transfer to a greased baking sheet. Cook 45 minutes, stirring once. Pour lemon juice over potatoes and sprinkle with parsley. Roast for 10 more minutes. 


Shared at Weekend Potluck

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