Sunday, May 2, 2021

An EMM Update

If you have been an EMM fan for a while now, you will remember a cucumber recipe I posted years ago. Like before I understood how food photos should look! I've shared that recipe numerous times over the life of this blog, but have always wanted to go back to not only update the photo, but also rewrite the recipe to match the tweaks I've added over time. Well, today is the day! 

First, let's talk about lemon extract. Every time I share this recipe, be it online or in person, I always get the "I don't have lemon extract, can't I just use lemon juice?" To be short and sweet, no. 

Believe me, I know how annoying it is to read a recipe and realize you are going to have to buy a "special" ingredient for it. It's one thing to have to add things to your grocery list, but it is a whole other to have to purchase something you are only going to use for one recipe. I try very hard not to write recipes that require specialty ingredients; but there is no way around it this time. 

However, it's not that bad. See, lemon extract is easily found in the same baking aisle at most grocery stores. It will be right there next to the vanilla and almond extracts. Plus, it's not the expensive. I think the last bottle I bought was around $3. Last, your bottle is probably going to last for quite a while, if this is the only recipe you use it for. Since each batch only takes 1 teaspoon, my bottle usually takes me a year to use and I make these a lot during the summer months. 

The extract is made from the lemon rind, where the essential oils are. The flavor is more intense than any amount of juice. You will notice it right away when you take the lid off! Smell that lemon goodness! 

These are a copycat recipe from a Chinese restaurant we used to love. Unfortunately that restaurant has been gone for a while now, but these cucumbers live on! They used to serve these with their lunch specials, along with a chicken wing, egg roll and crab rangoon. Seriously- by the time your entree came, you were almost full from the appetziers. Oh, I miss that place so much! 

These are Alex's favorite way to enjoy cucumbers in the summer, and when gardens are overflowing with them, they are so inexpensive to make too! Our local farmers' market usually has beautiful cukes for less than a buck each. 

I love these for summer too because they can go anywhere, staying fresh in a cooler. Plus, no mayo or sour cream means easier for fun in the sun! They are perfect for picnics, cookouts, backyard barbecues, graduation parties or a burger night on the deck! 

If you enjoy lemon flavored anything, as much as I do, especially in the hot summer months, this recipe needs to be on repeat from now until September!

 Lemon Marinated Cucumbers

3 large cucumbers, peeled and sliced into semicircles

2/3 c. white vinegar

6 TBS sugar

1 tsp. lemon extract

Salt and Pepper

 In a small bowl whisk together vinegar, sugar, lemon extract, salt and pepper. In a large bowl pour dressing over sliced cucumbers. Stir well. Add extra salt and pepper if needed. Cover and chill several hours before serving.  

Shared at Weekend Potluck

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