Sunday, May 16, 2021

A 18 Year Tropical Twist

 How did we get to the middle of May already? I'm not complaining, but it just proves the point that warm weather days and months go by ten times faster than their cold counterparts. Seriously! We are going to blink and it will be July 4th. But before we bust out the fireworks, we've still got Memorial Day to plan for! 

Memorial Day weekend is the gateway to summer. Especially this year since the holiday is literally the last day of the month. Are you planning a cookout or backyard barbecue to celebrate? Many of us are gathering once again, but even if it's just your household or pod, fire up the grill and make your kickoff to summer menu delicious! 

Coleslaw is such an American classic for summer time parties, picnics, and gatherings. From graduation parties to burgers on the grill and picnic baskets over flowing, coleslaw is definitely a go-to dish. But this version? It's going to put a little tropical twist on this warm weather staple. 

Plus, it gives me a reason to gush about my hubby for a minute. See, he loves mangoes and we happen to be celebrating our 18th wedding anniversary on May 17th. However, 18 years is only the marriage part. We've actually been together for 24 years; and feel very blessed to be celebrating another year. I have loved him from the time I was a 16 year old girl, and I am so proud of the time we have built. He's given me two amazing boys and our family is not only my biggest blessings, but also what I am most proud of. 

So when I saw this recipe in Food Network Magazine I knew it would score me major wife points. A creamy coleslaw with bites of mango was right up his alley. The dressing has sweet and sour notes in it with coconut milk and lime. And he loved the added crunch from the peanuts too. It really is a unique version that screams summer time and lets you take a little tropical beach vacation without leaving your backyard. 

If you are looking for new dish for your Memorial Day bash, be sure to save this one! If you take it with you to share, carry the recipe too because everyone is going to want it!

 Mango Coleslaw

1 (14 oz.) bag coleslaw mix

3/4 c. canned coconut milk

Juice of 3 limes

1 mango, peeled and diced

3/4 c. roasted salted peanuts

Salt and Pepper 

In a small bowl whisk together coconut milk, lime juice, salt and pepper. In a large bowl pour dressing over coleslaw mix. Mix well. Add mango and peanuts. Stir again. Chill until serving. Garnish with a few extra peanuts before serving.  


Shared at Weekend Potluck

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