Sunday, January 31, 2021

Snow Day

 We got our first "big" snow of the season this weekend. In fact, it was the biggest snow storm we've had here in 6 years! Our city of Fort Wayne is sometimes referred to by weathermen as "the city where storms come to die!" Many times snow storms, thunderstorms, etc will be raging our way, and then about the time they reach the city limits they fizzle out. It's the strangest thing!.

So last week when we started hearing about this snow storm that would be coming our way, most of us waited to see. Well, wouldn't you know, this time it held together, and by the time we woke up Sunday morning, we had almost 8 inches on the ground, and it continued snowing for most of the day. 

Sure, I realize for many reading this, 8 inches is nothing, but like I said, it was our biggest snow in 6 years, which for us means it was Max's 1st really big snow! And this was the fluffy, fun snow! Perfect for snow balls fights, snow angels, and if your a 16 year old Bubbie and a 4 year old Max, wrestling until you cry from laughing. Seriously, their dad and I stood there and laughed so hard watching them. They were having a ball and absolutely adorable together. Warmed this mommy's heart, that's for sure! 

I wish I could be really cool and say "look at this amazing stew I made for when we came in from playing in the snow." But that would be a lie. I actually made this a few weeks back. (I did make slow cooker chicken and noodles yesterday though!) I just figured with much of the country already under a blanket of snow, or still expecting more over the next day or so, today would be a terrific time to share. 

This hearty stew is filled with roasted chicken, chunky veggies and a rich, creamy broth that will thaw you out in no time! It's a little thicker than a soup, not quite as thick as a chowder, so I went with stew. No matter what name you give it, every bite will be delicious and satisfying! 

Winter isn't done with us, and we might have another snow day or two in our future. No doubt coming inside to a bowl of something warm and tasty makes all that shoveling worth it! 


 Crock Pot Creamy Chicken Stew

2 lbs. boneless chicken tenders

2 TBS olive oi

2 tsp. garlic powder

1 medium white onion, chopped

3 celery stalks, diced

4 large carrots, diced

2 russet potatoes, peeled and cubed

4 c. chicken broth

2 c. water

2 chicken bouillon cubes

1 cup half and half

3 TBS corn starch

2 cans cream of celery soup

12 oz. bag frozen peas 

12 oz. bag frozen corn 

1 TBS dried parsley

Salt and Pepper

Preheat oven to 350. Lay chicken tenders on foil lined baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil. Season with garlic powder, salt and pepper. Bake for 30 minutes until juices run clear. Place in a large bowl and allow to cool slightly. Shred with forks. In the slow cooker, add chicken, carrots, celery, onion, potatoes corn, broth, water, bouillon, and cream of celery soup. Season with salt and pepper. Cook on LOW 5-6 hours. Mix corn starch with half and half. Add to slow cooker. Turn to HIGH and cook about 20 minutes until slightly thickened. Add frozen peas and parsley. Stir and cook 5-10 minutes just to warm peas through. 


Shared at Weekend Potluck


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