Sunday, December 20, 2020

Post Christmas Soup

While I kind of dropped the ball on a festive holiday recipe for you this week, I do have one that is perfect post Christmas. If you're cooking a big, glazed ham, you will definitely appreciate this on day 3 or 4 of leftovers sitting in the fridge!

This is a recipe I've been making since we were newlyweds almost 18 years ago. It is actually a dish the hubby brought with him, based on one he ate as a kid. He first made it for me before we were married and while I've tweaked it a little over the years, the foundation is still the same. 

Many people see this dish and they instantly want to write it off. They have thoughts of eating pureed peas a baby and are convinced it won't be good. But I plead with you, don't judge a soup by it's cover! I've had so many tell me they have never liked split pea soup in the past, but this one, they can't get enough of. 

A couple things to keep in mind. If you don't have leftover ham, you can easily use store bought, pre-diced. That's what I use year round, and it works great. Also, this soup gets VERY thick, to the point of no longer being soup consistency. So, keep some extra broth on hand to thin it back out before serving if need be, and if you like eating it the next day, be prepared to definitely add some liquid before reheating. 

On a personal note, I want to thank each and every one of you who continue to log on weekly to see what's cooking in my kitchen. To all of my followers on Facebook and Instagram who always send their love to my food, and my family pics, I feel so incredibly blessed to have such a great community to share my life with. 

This year as been rough. In SO many ways. But I am so grateful to be spending another Christmas with those I love most in the world, doing a job I love, and living this beautiful life God has given me. 

I hope your Christmas is filled with the joy, love and peace that came down to Earth on that glorious night so many years ago. May the light that shone from that tiny manger, shine through us all in the coming year. 

From our family to yours, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Slow Cooker Split Pea Soup

1 1/2 lbs. dried split peas

4 c. chicken broth

2 c. water

5 medium carrots, diced

1 medium yellow onion, diced

2 c. cooked ham, diced

1/2 tsp. dried thyme

Salt and Pepper

 Add all ingredients to slow cooker. Stir well. Cook on low 5-7 hours. After about 4 hours, use potato masher to mash some of the peas. When finished, if too thick, thin out with some extra broth if needed. 



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