Sunday, August 25, 2019

Not Ready to Let Go

We are only a less than a week away from September, and Labor Day. I know many out there are literally counting the days until autumn arrives; and with the arrival of cooler temps this week, we've all been reminded of what is coming.

It's no secret I love summer, and dread when it starts to fade. If I'm being truthful, I don't hate fall. After all, here in Indiana, we usually end up with some warm 80 degree days well into October. The colors are beautiful, the flavors are delicious and I adore getting outside and enjoying all the autumn activities. But see, the problem is what comes after. I know as soon as the leaves begin to the blink of an eye we will be grabbing the shovel and waiting for school delays.

So, here I am holding onto summer with all my might. I refuse to say goodbye, and still have plenty of fun in the sun planned.

This simple salad would be perfect for your Labor Day cookout, picnic or party. Or, it's just great for weeknight supper too! With all these summer veggies we have to indulge in when we can, it's a great way to use them up!

If you're one of the ones who is holding your breath until it's hoodie and bonfire season, it will be here before you know it. And if you are like me, and not ready to see summer go, let's make the most of the time we have left!

Marinated Cucumber Salad
3 medium cucumbers, peeled, seeded & chopped
1 pint snacking tomato medley, halved
1/4 c. vegetable oil
3 TBS red wine vinegar
1/2 tsp. dried basil
1/4 tsp. dried oregano
2 tsp. dried parsley
Salt and Pepper

In a large bowl combine cucumbers and tomatoes. In a small bowl whisk together oil, vinegar and seasonings. Pour over veggies. Mix well. Chill for a few hours before serving. *NOTE* If you use English cucumber, no need to peel or seed. The tomatoes are a mixed variety in the produce section. You can also use cherry, grape or a mix of both.

Shared at Weekend Potluck
Shared at Meal Plan Monday

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