Sunday, May 19, 2019

Give Them Bread

If you are planning a summer cookout, any time over the next few months, you will want to keep the ingredients for this on stand by!

We are bread loving people. We are the ones at a restaurant that are usually half full by the time the entree' comes because we've snacked on so much bread. And if I can find something to put on that bread that makes it even yummier, that's the icing on the cake so to speak.

When I'm entertaining, I try to find ways to have dishes made ahead of time that I can put out and let my guests serve themselves. Appetizers are of course the best way to do this; and keep people from starving before the big meal is ready. Happy guests mean a happy host!

Honestly though, the day I made this it was raining, and we weren't even thinking about grilling. I served it as a side to a pasta supper...and it was perfect that way too. So, you're really getting a double duty recipe!

Summer time is when we want to have people over, spend hours outside in the sun, catching up, having fun, and of course eating some great dishes to share!

Olive Caper Spread
1 (5 oz) jar green olives, drained
1 (3 oz.) jar capers, drained
2 tsp. lemon juice
1 large garlic clove, peeled
Salt and Pepper to taste

Put all ingredients in food processor. Pulse until fine. Chill. Serve with baguette, crackers, pita chips, etc. 

Shared at Weekend Potluck

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