Wednesday, January 11, 2017

BBQ In The Snow

Well, we've officially entered the doldrums of winter. The holidays are over, spring is no where in sight and it's frigid outside. Blah.... Yeah, if you can't tell, I'm not a fan. As far as I'm concerned as soon as Christmas is over, we can go back to 75 and sunny!

But alas, I live in Indiana, and we have a lot of days before that happens, so we better make the best of them. One way I've learned to do that is through food. And not just because we love to eat!

I like to take recipes we usually enjoy during the warm, summer months and find a way to make them more cold weather appropriate, as in the case of this recipe.

Now if you know me, or have been following me for a while, you know we are NOT opposed to grilling in the winter. In fact, a few years back we were in the middle of a blizzard...A. Real. Life. Blizzard. (The weather channel said so!) and Mr. E was outside grilling up some juicy t-bone steaks! All the neighbors were out shoveling snow, and we could hear them saying "What smells so good? Where is that coming from?" Yeah, that was us.

However, right now our grill is broke, so there is no using it no matter what the weather is. Luckily it made it to the end of summer before dying, and we decided to just wait until spring to deal with it. So that meant when I got a craving for good barbecue chicken, I needed to find a way to make it happen...indoors.

I will be honest, when I first started to think about how I would make that happen, my slow cooker wasn't the first thing that popped into my head. When I think good barbecue, I think a good sear, some black marks, and maybe even some burnt pieces...all from being cooked over an open flame. But I wasn't going to achieve that no matter how I prepared it, so instead I went for slow cooked, tender, and a great smoky flavor.

Well, let me tell you, this was some of the best barbecue chicken I've ever made, inside or out! Both of my boys (well the two that eat solid food) enjoyed it and couldn't get over the fantastic flavor.

If you need a simple weeknight meal, or maybe are having a football party, this is perfect for both! So much flavor and so little effort, just what we need to get us through these yucky winter days!

Slow Cooker Barbecue Chicken
4 boneless chicken breasts
1 TBS steak seasoning
1 (18 oz.) bottle barbecue sauce, your favorite
1/4 c. white vinegar
1/4 c. brown sugar
1 tsp. garlic powder
1/4-1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes
Salt and Pepper to taste
Dried Parsley, for garnish

Pat chicken dry. Season with steak seasoning, salt and pepper. Grease slow cooker. Place chicken inside. In a small bowl whisk together barbecue sauce, vinegar, brown sugar, garlic powder and red pepper flakes. Pour over chicken. Cook on LOW for 4-6 hours. Spoon extra sauce over top and garnish with parsley.

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