Monday, November 9, 2015

Put Some Ease Into Your Holiday

When it comes to the holiday rush, and by rush, I mean every day from now until New Year's, I think all of us are looking for ways to make things just a little easier on ourselves. From the cooking, to the entertaining, to the shopping, and everything in between, any time we can find a shortcut we will take it. Of course, for my purposes as your Everyday Mom, it's my job to try to find you as many of those when it comes to the food, as I can.

If we are going to talk about finding shortcuts in the kitchen, I think we would be remiss not to turn to our slow cookers! We use them any other day of the week to help us get dinner on the table, so why not on the holiday? Those are the days we should be really putting them to the test!

We love sweet potato casserole, and I have a terrific and really quite simple recipe for it. So why try a new one? Easy. This one doesn't involve the oven! Think about it. With a giant turkey basting away for hours, we need to make sure we have side dishes that can be cooked stove top, or in our trusty slow cookers. The more we have cooking outside the oven, the better, in my opinion anyway.

My husband says this is like eating dessert for dinner. I can respect that. It really is quite sweet, but it's a pecan brown sugar topping, it's supposed to be sweet! It really does come together so simply, and would taste perfect next to your Thanksgiving turkey, or even ham too!

Putting some easy into our holiday really should be at the top of our "to do" lists. After all, the less time we spend stressing about the holidays, the more we can enjoy them, spending time with the ones we love most in the world.

Slow Cooker Sweet Potato Casserole
2 (29 oz.) cans sweet potatoes in syrup, drained
1/3 c. butter, melted
3 TBS packed brown sugar
1/2 c. white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/3 c. heavy cream

Pecan Topping:
1 c. chopped pecans
1/4 c. flour
2 TBS butter, melted
3/4 c. packed brown sugar

In a large bowl, mash sweet potatoes. Add butter, 3 TBS brown sugar, white sugar, eggs, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg. Beat with an electric mixer, on low, until smooth. Stir in cream until combined. Spray slow cooker generously with nonstick spray. Add sweet potato mixture and spread evenly. In a medium bowl combine all topping ingredients and stir until combined. Sprinkle over sweet potatoes. Cook on HIGH for 2-3 hours until browned and set. Serve immediately, or remove slow cooker insert and keep covered until ready.  *NOTE*  I have a 6 quart slow cooker and mine was done in 2 hours. A smaller one might take longer. I always use light brown sugar, but especially in this recipe because it gets dark enough, the darker variety might make it too dark. Watch this carefully because with all the sugar, this can burn easily.

Recipe from Pillsbury
Shared at Weekend Potluck

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