Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Welch's 1 Million Fans

We eat a lot of fruit snacks in our house. And when I say "we" I mean little man. Between packed lunches, after school snacks and treats on the go, he eats A LOT. And one of his favorites has always been Welch's Fruit Snacks because of the amazing flavors and variety. 

Well, we aren't the only ones who love Welch's because they just reached 1 Million Facebook fans! To celebrate and say "thank you" to all the loyal fans who got them there, they are giving away 1 Million Fruit Snacks! Cool, huh??!!

To enter, just click here to visit their Facebook page and follow the instructions for your chance to be a part of the celebration!

But you have another way to win too! My good friends at Welch's are giving away 3 boxes of fruit snacks to 3 lucky EMM readers! Just read below to enter!

Congratulations to Welch's on 1,000,000 fans and here is to the next million! 

To Enter: Like Welch's on Facebook and leave me a comment telling me you have. Be sure to include an email address so I can find you! 

(3) Winners will win (3) boxes of fruit snacks each!

Contest Ends: July 1, 2015


  1. I "liked" Welch's page on Facebook and we love these snacks!! Fingers crossed!

  2. Leaves me out; as I don't do Facebook but best of lucky to everyone else

  3. I like Welch's on Facebook

  4. I liked them on Facebook under Westin Alina Hahn

  5. I like Welch's on FB

  6. I likr Welch's on Facebook.


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