Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Sizzling Summer with NatureSweet {A Feature}

Ya'll know how much we love us some NatureSweet tomatoes! They are our favorite little tomatoes for everything from salads to snacking. And now, my good friends at NatureSweet have a fantastic summer time inspired giveaway going on too! 

Just in time for barbecue season, NatureSweet has partnered with Weber Grills to host a summer grilling sweepstakes! From now until July 5th, at select retailers nationwide, customers can enter to win weekly giveaways of the Weber® Q®1200 Gas Grills or the Ultimate Weber® Grill Prize Package, valued at $3,000! 

Customers can enter the Glorys of Grilling Sweepstakes by submitting a photo/video and description of their favorite grilled Glorys recipe at glorysofgrilling.com

NatureSweet Glorys tomatoes are the perfect must-have for the upcoming grilling season! Glorys were recently launched with new packaging making it 100% recyclable and adding a re-sealable lid with ventilation holes in both the top and bottom of the container, making the rinse and storage process a breeze for customers.

Be sure to check NatureSweet out on Facebook and all the details of  the contest here

Disclaimer: I received free product samples in exchange for this review/feature. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

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