Thursday, April 9, 2015

Steckler Grassfed {A Feature}

Ya'll know how much I love sharing with you Indiana farms that are producing some of the best foods around. Farmers are the hardest working folks out there, and it is because of them we have the blessing of food on our tables every single day. I am always honored when I get to work with an Indiana farming family, and today I'm happy to introduce you to Steckler Grassfed

A family owned, pasture based, certified organic farm in Southern Indiana, Steckler Grassfed produces Pastured Poultry (Eggs, broilers, turkeys), 100% Grassfed Beef and Lamb, and Aged Raw-Milk Cheddar Cheese. 

In 1994, they made a commitment to a more natural way of farming that combines organic production practices with intensive rotational grazing. "Our cows eat what they were designed to eat in the environment they were created to inhabit. As a result, our cows are happier and healthier." 

I adore that sentence. It's so simple, yet makes total sense. It is what organic was meant to be! Their products are made better, therefore they taste great and are a terrific source of nutrition. 

The fine folks at Steckler were kind enough to share some of their cheese with my family, and I can tell you first hand just how delicious it is. Seriously, some of the best cheese we've ever had in our lives. So creamy and flavorful, it was evident from the first bite just how much care and love go into making it. 

Their cheese if produced from 100% grass-fed, raw, organic milk, fresh from their own Dutch Belted dairy cows. Each batch of cheese is made by hand on the farm in their new creamery. 

Their artisan cheese is aged fro a minimum of 60 days to develop its yummy nutty flavor and smooth texture. Fresh raw milk from grass-fed cows produces cheese that has a uniquely complex flavor profile. 

Steckler cheddar is packed with nutrition that comes naturally from the raw milk. It includes a balanced blend of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats, as well as digestible vitamins and minerals. 

Like I said, this was the most scrumptious cheese we've had in a very long time. And to know it was made with such a wonderful process, right here in my home state, only made it taste even better! 

For more info, be sure to check them out online, and order some for yourself too! Or find a retail location near you here

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