Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A Snow Day With No Snow

Yep, that's right. Here in Indiana, we are so lucky (She says...dripping with sarcasm!) to get snow days with no snow! Unfortunately, that means there is ice instead, and that can be even more treacherous! That's exactly what happened a couple weeks ago. Not a flake of snow was on the ground, but we had gotten soaked with freezing rain/ice, and the morning commute wasn't safe for man or beast, so no school for us! 

As you know by now, when school gets cancelled, I am just as happy as little man is. I don't know which of us gets a bigger thrill when we hear our school system announced with all the others, me or him! I love having an unexpected day with him at home with me. Plus, it usually means we are going to get in the kitchen and make something extra yummy. Baking is one of those things a snow day was made for. 

This particular snow ice day we didn't know what we were in the mood for, but we knew it had to be something sweet, and we didn't have a lot to work with. See, it was towards the end of the week, and the grocery store trip was just around the corner, so we were going to work with what I had. Thankfully, I do keep basic baking things on hand at all times, so we weren't at a total loss. In fact, I bet if you go to your pantry right now, you probably have everything to make these. Okay, the maple extract might not be something you have laying around, but if that's all you need, you're doing pretty good! 

We ate these as a snack...later on that same evening for dessert...and then for a few days after for breakfast. Honestly though, Mr. E is lucky there were any left when he came home because Alex and I could have eaten the entire dozen in a blink of an eye. (And probably not felt that bad about it!)

These are super sweet, so beware! If you want to cut down on the sweetness a little bit, omit the maple flavoring. With Valentines Day being this Saturday, they would be a perfect treat for the sweet hearts in your life. 

Snow days are a simple pleasure in life that I for one, am so thankful for. My favorite little guy, at home, in the kitchen, safe and sound...pure bliss. 

Maple Frosted Spice Doughnuts
Makes 1 dozen
2 c. flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
2 eggs
3/4 c. white sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 c. milk
2 TBS butter, melted

Maple Frosting:
1 c. powdered sugar
2 TBS butter, melted
1-2 TBS water
1/2-1 tsp. maple extract

Preheat oven to 325. Grease a doughnut pan and set aside. In a large bowl combine flour, baking soda, nutmeg, cinnamon and salt. Mix well. In a small bowl whisk together eggs, white sugar, vanilla and melted butter. Add liquid mixture to dry mixture 1/3 at a time, stirring after each, until combined. Spoon mixture into doughnut pan, about 2/3 full for each well. Smooth tops with back of spoon. Bake for 10-15 minutes until firm to touch, and toothpick comes out clean. Rest on wire rack for a few minutes in pan. Using a silicone spatula, remove doughnuts to wire rack to completely cool. 

To make frosting, add water to powdered sugar a little at a time until desired consistency. I like it a little thick. Add butter and maple extract. Mix well. 

To frost doughnuts, dip each into frosting and let set on wire rack. 

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