Monday, December 29, 2014

New Year's Eve Tradition {A Post for Earth Fare}

Happy Monday! Did you have a restful weekend? Were you recovering from all the holiday festivities? Or did you have more holiday gatherings to attend? Either way, I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and Santa was very good to you!

Now that all the packages are put away, the toys are assembled and the leftovers are beginning to dwindle in the fridge, it's time to shift our focus to the New Year.

In our house, NYE has become a family affair, ever since we went from a family of two to three, over 10 years ago. We used to do the whole "go out" thing on Dec. 31st, but when Alex was born, it just didn't make much sense anymore. So, we started to stay in and have a quiet night at home. Then when he got old enough to understand it was indeed a night for celebration, he wanted to stay up late, throw some confetti and turn it into a night of fun. My job? Make sure we have enough to eat all night long.

So, instead of making a huge meal, I put out a big table of appetizers (or "nibbly bits" as Alex calls them) and we eat and eat and eat, until the ball drops. We get in our jammies early, watch movies and stuff ourselves and welcome in the New Year.

If you have yet another holiday party to attend, or maybe a college football bowl game tailgating party, I've got the perfect idea! This cheese ball comes together in almost no time, the food processor does almost all the work for you, and it is simply delicious! Serve it with crackers, pita bread, veggies...anything you like. Your guests will devour it guaranteed!

I tend to get a little depressed when Christmas is over, but now with our little family tradition of New Year's Eve, it gives me something else to look forward to! Not to mention, we get to eat yummy things like this. Maybe our tradition can become part of yours this year!

Olive Cheese Ball
8 oz. cream cheese, room temperature
1/3 c. green olives
1/3 c. black olives
1/4 tsp. hot sauce
1 TBS dried minced onion
1 c. chopped pecans

Add all ingredients, except pecans, to food processor. Pulse until smooth. Remove with rubber spatula onto a piece of plastic wrap. Fold up sides and form mixture into ball. Chill in fridge for about 30 minutes to set for easy handling. Using your hands, cover cheese ball in pecans, pressing gently to adhere. Serve with favorite snack crackers. 

1 comment:

  1. I am thinking to have this snack for my movie night or weekend soccer matches, it looks so good. If it is a freezing night, serve this with warm milk, nothing can be better. Thinking trying sweet potato and yam to make this too, probably not bad. :)


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