Friday, December 19, 2014

More One Pot Meals

Less than a week people! That's right! There are only 6 days until Christmas. Are you feeling stressed yet? I know so many who are still trying to get their shopping done, the cards mailed, everything wrapped, and still keep up with day to day responsibilities as well. If this describes you, how about a simple meal that can be on the table in about 30 minutes and feed that hungry crowd? Will that help take just a little of that stress away?

One pot meals are never more welcomed than during the busiest times of the years, and no matter how hard we try to avoid it, Christmas time is one of those. Rather it be working extra hours to assure the time off for the holiday, running here and there finishing that last minute shopping, Christmas pageants and school programs...whatever it is consuming your evenings, a simple, delicious meal can be one thing you look forward to.

Plus, let's not forget many of us have those holiday house guests we need to feed more than just the big holiday meal. Extra mouths to feed for multiple days can put a strain on the budget, but with this dish you can stretch a buck and satisfy many hungry souls at the same time.

If you can't imagine with this is like, thing goulash on steroids. Goulash with extra "stuff" that takes it to a whole new level. And don't turn your nose up at the spinach because it makes this dish! We love spinach and I really enjoy it's flavor when pared with both sausage and beans.

Give yourself a break tonight with this scrumptious, simple meal that is full of flavor, but easy on effort. Plus, it's pretty on the plate too!

Sausage and White Bean Ragu
Inspired by Basilmomma
2 small yellow onions
4 garlic cloves
2 TBS olive oil
1/2 lb. ground beef
1 lb. bulk pork sausage
2 ( 14 oz.) cans chicken broth
1 (15 oz.) can cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
2 (15 oz.) cans petite diced tomatoes, undrained
2 heaping cups fresh spinach
2 TBS dried basil
2 tsp. dried oregano
1/4 tsp. red pepper flake
1/3 c. shredded Parmesan cheese
1 lb. elbow macaroni
Salt and Pepper to taste

Place onion and garlic in food processor and pulse until extra fine. Heat oil in dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add onion mixture to oil and cook about 2 minutes until tender. Add beef and pork. Continue to cook until meats are browned, about 10 minutes. Drain if necessary. Add beans, broth, tomatoes, basil, oregano, red pepper flakes, salt and pepper. Stir well. Reduce heat to medium. Simmer for 15 minutes until flavors develop. Add macaroni. Stir well to combine. Cook another 10-15 minutes until macaroni is tender. Add spinach, in batches and allow to wilt. Add cheese. Stir and serve. Sprinkle with extra cheese if desired.

Shared on The Country Cook Dec. 19, 2014

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