Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Try Something New with Maple Leaf Farms {A Review}

So, I guess the best way to start this post is ask, "Have you had duck before?" And then I have to also ask "Have you cooked duck at home before?" If you answered either or both of those with "no", then you've come to the right place because by the end of this I hope you are wanting to change that! 

First, let me introduce you to another foodie gem from right here in my home state. Maple Leaf Farms  began in 1958 in Milford, Indiana, producing 280,000 ducks that first year. Still family owned today, they supply high-quality, value added duck products for folks like you and me. 

Maple Leaf Farms duck products are available in both raw and fully cooked varieties. Their original line includes whole body duck and cuts that can be easily prepared by both a chef and the home cook. 

I can honestly say until about a year ago, I had no idea these duck experts were right here in Indiana, let alone almost in my own backyard. (I'm talking less than an hour away!!) You know how much I love to support our local farmers, and now I have another one to add to my list! 

So you can imagine how excited I was when the great folks at Maple Leaf offered to send me a box of goodies to try in my kitchen! Now, I have only cooked with duck one other time, and never with the breast meat, so I was eager to try! 

I knew I wanted to grill them, and probably add a glaze. So I took a couple different Asian inspired ones I've used before and tweaked them here and there, and this is what I finally came up with. Sweet, succulent and oh so yummy! 

Now, if you've never cooked a duck breast either, let me tell you the Maple Leaf Farms site has some great tips. In fact, the directions you find below are 99% from them! For grilling, they suggested I would have the best results if I rendered them in a skillet first, and I am convinced this step is the #1 key to success! 

If you have been wanted to try duck, but have been too apprehensive, take it from me. You can do it! And to stay up on all things that are quacking ( ha ha) be sure to follow the great folks at Maple Leaf Farms on Facebook, Twitter  and Pinterest.

Brown Sugar and Soy Glazed Duck
2 duck breasts
1/4 c. dark brown sugar, packed
1/4 c. soy sauce
1 TBS rice wine vinegar
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1 TBS vegetable oil
Salt and Pepper to taste

Pat duck breasts with paper towels to dry. Trim skin to size of breast. Using a sharp knife, score skin in a cross-hatch pattern. Season with salt and pepper. Heat a large non stick skillet over medium low heat. Place breasts skin side down and allow to render, about 10 minutes, until golden brown. While cooking, mix brown sugar, soy, vinegar, ginger, garlic and vegetable oil. Whisk well. When breasts are browned, remove to a paper towel lined platter. Preheat grill to high. When hot, place duck breasts skin side down, reduce heat to medium. Cook 15 minutes basting often on both sides, turning occasionally, until internal temp reaches 165. Serve on a bed of rice pilaf if desired.


Shared on The Country Cook July 25, 2014
Duck at Very Good Recipes


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