Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A Wedding Re-Do

Even after all the recipes I've found from when I first started blogging and brought them "back to life" so to speak, I'm still running across one here and there. This was actually something I shared not as far back as others, but I still thought it could use a face-lift and be shared again.

When I first shared this, it was right around the time of Princess Kate and Prince William's wedding, and I told the story about how this was something we had at our wedding reception, per my request. See, we had a huge spread, including a hog roast with all the trimmings and a buffet that everyone raved about, most of which were made by our sweet neighbor lady who offered to make the food for us. And this being one of my favorite all time "deli" salads I knew it just had to be included. Not to mention, it's one of my daddy's favorites, and I figured since he was paying, that would be a nice gesture! 

This is a great summer time salad that can be ready in almost no time at all. It's perfect for picnics, barbecues, cook-outs or take along parties. I have found even folks who aren't huge pea fans, enjoy this! Oh, and it shows up regularly around these parts at bridal and baby showers too. It's just one of those go-to salads for us, that others might never think about.

I love bringing these not so old recipes up to date and sharing them with all of you again. Or for most of you, for the first time. But what I love even more is sharing all the happy memories that come with them and remembering the great times when we enjoyed them the most. Food really does make the best scrapbook!

Spring Pea Salad
2 (15 oz.) cans peas, drained
3 hard boiled eggs, chopped
3-4 TBS mayo
1/2 c. finely chopped white onion
1 c. shredded sharp cheddar cheese
Salt and Pepper to taste

In a large bowl combine peas, eggs, onion and cheese. In a small bowl whisk together mayo, salt and pepper. Pour over pea mixture. Toss gently to coat. Chill at least an hour before serving.


  1. I love this pea salad. Have been making it for years. Have a can or 2 of peas in the fridge for when the craving hits. Cold peas make it chill faster, then can yum it sooner. Have taken it to work for potlucks and never have any to bring home (although I do call it Green Pea Salad as pea salad gets funny looks).

  2. Truly believe you need to remove "Spring" from the name of this salad! CANNED peas?

  3. Looks like it is full of calories. Any idea how many?


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