Saturday, June 14, 2014

Soul Food Saturday

With summer comes more time to grill; Along with more outdoor parties with family and friends. Who isn’t always looking for a new way to kick up an old favorite? For me it’s a given. Adding fruit to my Pico de Gallo salsa has become a favorite thing for me to do. Why not go one step further with it, and really wow everyone? A hollowed out pineapple serves as a serving dish for this simple salsa. Whether you scoop it up with chips or top your favorite burger, this one is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Grab a pineapple its party time!
Pineapple Spiked Pico de Gallo
 1 whole pineapple
1 small onion, diced
2 jalapenos, minced
4 Roma tomatoes, diced
½ c. cilantro, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
Salt to taste
Juice from half a lime
Begin by slicing the pineapple in half lengthwise, then cut leaf end off. With a paring knife cut vertical and horizontal cuts into each side of pineapple; Taking care not to go all the way through the back side. Then with a sturdy spoon start along the edges and move to the middle of the pineapple removing the cut pieces. Place them in a medium sized bowl. Add remaining ingredients, and toss to combine. Taste for seasoning. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt if desired. Add finished salsa to hollowed out pineapple halves.
Serve with chips or along side your favorite burger toppings. Enjoy!

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