Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Can't Resist A Bargain

Sometimes I can have absolutely no intentions of making something, but one simple thing can change my mind, therefore changing my menu plan for the night. It could be a request from my son, an unexpected time constraint, or in this case, a great deal at the store.

I can't even tell you now what I was planning on making when these came to be. All I remember is I had breakfast for supper on the menu, and as I was doing my weekly shopping, I found an excellent deal on red potatoes at Aldi's...a 5 lb. bag of red potatoes for $.99!! Now I'm sorry, but no mom on a budget could walk away from that. So I stood there in the produce section thinking to myself  "What could I do with these and where can I include them in my week's meals?" And then it hit me. I was having breakfast, and they would make scrumptious home fries.

But don't think you can only serve these with eggs and bacon! They make a tasty side dish with any meal really, especially if your family is like mine and love them some taters. I'm always looking for ways to branch out from baked, mashed and roasted!

These should remind you of the home fries you can get at your favorite diner. They are simple to make, letting the oven do all the work. In fact, you could easily chop your potatoes in the morning, leave them in cold water all day (so they don't brown), drain them well when you get home, and then go from there! They cook beautifully in the oven while you are preparing the rest of the meal, or relaxing.

These days, good bargains are hard to come by, but the best ones are those that come when you are least expecting them and leave you with a couple extra dollars in your pocket when you need them the most.

Oven Baked Home Fries
5-6 large red potatoes, cut into 1 inch cubes
1/4 c. vegetable oil
2 tsp. all purpose seasoning
2 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. dried parsley
Salt and Pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 400. In a 8x11 baking dish, combine all ingredients. Toss to coat well. Bake for 1 hour, stirring half way through.

Shared on The Country Cook April 25, 2014


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