Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Healthy Solutions Spice Blends {A Review and Giveaway}

If you're always looking for ways to "spice up" your meals, or just want to add more flavor to your everyday dishes, but not with a bunch of ingredients you can't pronounce or chemicals, then do I have a treat for you!

Let me introduce you to Healthy Solutions Spice Blends, the maker of 16 distinct spice blends that are recipe ready and made to cook with beef, fish, poultry, and pork. They help you to make delicious meals in minutes. 

Located in New Hampshire, their line of spice blends are all natural, high quality, that lead to nutritious and healthy dishes that fit into your busy life. 

Some of the blends available are: 

Cajun Seafood
Shrimp Scampi
Bold Beef Rub
Italian Meatballs
Perfect Steak
Ultimate Burger
Pork & Poultry

And many more! 

I love the fact these spice blends give flavor to the dish, without overpowering the meat itself. They highlight and make better without masking the other flavors you want to shine through as well. 

The Cajun Seafood gives just a little kick to your everyday shrimp or fish. And the Pork & Poultry blend works so well on pork chops or chicken breasts. Your family will be so excited to have some new flavor added to what can sometimes be mundane proteins! 

And now the folks at Healthy Solutions Spice Blends want to give you a chance to try 2 of their blends in your very own kitchen. Just read below on how to enter! 


1. This contest is open to US 18 and older ONLY.

2. The winner will be chosen by Random.org 

3. The winner will be notified by email and Facebook. He/she will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. I will then pass on your address to the sponsor for shipping.

4. When leaving comments for entries, they MUST BE SEPARATE ones AND include an email address so it's easy for me to find the winner. If entries are together, it will only count as (1) and if no email, entry will not be considered.

5. If any of the extra entries are items you are already doing, please just remind me!

6. Contest Ends: March 20, 2014

One Lucky Winner Will Receive
(1) Pack Cajun Seafood Spice Blend
(1) Pack Pork & Poultry Spice Blend

Mandatory Entry:

1. Become a fan of Healthy Solutions Spice Blends on Facebook. Leave a comment when you have. 

Extra Entries:

1. Follow Healthy Solutions Spice Blends on Twitter. Leave a comment when you have.

2. Follow Healthy Solutions Spice Blends on Pinterest. Leave a comment when you have. 

Good Luck!!

Disclaimer: I was given free samples in exchange for this review and another set to giveaway. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 


  1. like onfb Julie A Scott Laws

  2. I am a fan of Healthy Solutions on Facebook! :)

  3. I also follow Healthy Solutions on Pinterest!

    Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/nikkmar/

    Facebook: Nikki Norris

  4. I Like Healthy Solutions Spice Blends, LLC on Facebook. cheryl dot free at icloud dot com

  5. Following @SpiceBlendss on Twitter. cheryl dot free at icloud dot com

  6. Following Healthy Solutions Spice Blends on Pinterest {CatOLuck}. cheryl dot free at icloud dot com

  7. follow pinterest

  8. These spices look incredible! I'm betting with your recipes, the meals will be fabulous!
    Following on Facebook, twitter
    and email.


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