Friday, January 10, 2014

Our New Year

January 1, 2014. What was on your table that day? I know many of you are answering with pork, black eyed peas, collard greens...all those things that are supposed to bring you luck in the New Year. And honestly, most years those are the types of things that are on my table too; but not this year. Why? Simple. My hubby made a request for something a little different for our holiday meal; and was so excited when I obliged his request!

As most of you know, we spend the night before at home, as a family, eating from a huge buffet of appetizers all night long, while we wait for the ball to drop. And usually included in that array of yummy things is a shrimp ring. It's a must. Well, this year, Mr. Everyday asked since we were having so many other things, if we could skip the cocktail shrimp and wait until the next day to have shrimp a cream sauce...over pasta. Yes, he wanted me to take my tried and true Alfredo sauce recipe, add shrimp to it, and recreate one of his favorite pasta dishes of all time.

Now to be honest, if I didn't already have this easy, never fail sauce recipe, I might not have been so inclined. After all, it was a holiday and I deserved some down time, especially after preparing that huge buffet the night before. But I knew I could make him happy, and not have to put forth too much effort.

If you have tried my Alfredo sauce before, you'll be happy to know this is the same base recipe, just with a couple extra steps to add the shrimp. If you never have, and enjoy a good Alfredo sauce at your favorite Italian restaurant, I highly suggest you give this one a try! It's so easy, and tastes just like those you order out. (And if you don't groove on the shrimp, simply leave those out! It doesn't effect the sauce recipe at all!)

I hope you enjoyed something yummy on New Year's Day! If it was something traditional, maybe some good luck is headed your way! But for us, we went in the other direction and enjoyed something new and yummy that can easily be your supper tonight!

Easy Shrimp Fettuccine Alfredo
12 oz. bag frozen, small (60/80) shrimp, peeled, deveined, tail removed, thawed
2 c. heavy cream
1 stick, plus 2 TBS butter, divided
4 cloves garlic, minced, divided
1/2 c. grated Parmesan cheese
3/4 c. mozzarella cheese
2 TBS dried parsley, extra for garnish
1 lb. fettuccine
Salt and Pepper to taste

Cook pasta according to package directions. While it's cooking, in a large skillet heat 2 TBS butter over medium heat. Add shrimp and 2 cloves garlic. Cook, 5-7 minutes, stirring often, until shrimp are pink and cooked through. Melt 1 stick butter in medium saucepan over medium-low heat. Add 2 cloves garlic, cream and black pepper to taste. Bring to a simmer stirring often. Add Parmesan and stir until well blended. Simmer 8-10 minutes until thickened. Add mozzarella and stir frequently until blended and smooth. Set aside but keep warm. Just before pasta is ready to drain, add shrimp to sauce. Add parsley. Stir to combine. Adjust seasoning if necessary. Drain pasta. Add to a large bowl. Pour sauce over. Mix well with tongs to coat. Garnish with extra parsley if desired. 

Shared on The Country Cook Jan. 10. 2014


  1. Just wanted to let you know this has become a staple in our weekly dinner plans! It's just delicious!!

  2. Hi Kim! Thanks for telling me! I'm so glad you enjoy it as much as we do!!

  3. Fixed it tonight. It's better than yummy. Better than delicious, so I call it YUMMY-LUCIOUS!


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