Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Make It...Save It...or Both

Thanksgiving is just a little over a month away; and Christmas only about a month after that. I realize some of you out there don't even want to think about it, and I respect that. But I also know there are many out there, who like me, are planners extraordinaire and are already making meal plans, shopping lists, and are determined to be fully prepared when the holidays descend upon us. So, for those in that category, I offer a fantastic side dish idea that is easy and free of stress, delicious and something your guests will flip for! 

I actually made this back when we got our fresh veggie bin from Green BEAN Delivery, because I was lucky enough to have some late season fresh Indiana sweet corn included. Sure, I we could have just eaten it slathered in butter and salt, straight from the cob, but I thought it was a good time to test this recipe I had found a while back in an old church cookbook. I really thought it screamed holiday meal. Sure, fresh corn might not be in season by then, but I've noticed most stores have prepackaged corn on the cob (usually 4 ears per pack) year round now. So it's a great way to get some freshness into your meal, and stretch a buck because only a few ears will feed a crowd. 

We love canned creamed corn, but this takes that to a whole new level. The sweetness, the creaminess, the silky texture, all of these lead to the most scrumptious corn side dish I've ever made. We couldn't stop eating it! I think this would compliment any protein that is hitting your Thanksgiving or Christmas table. 

If you're planning your holiday meals already, write this one down! If you're just looking for a new veggie for your weeknight meals, write this down. Or better yet, make it now to "test-run" and then make it again at the holidays. Your family will love every bite, and you will love how simple and fresh it is. 

Skillet Creamed Corn 
4 ears of corn, kernels removed and "milked" (See note below)
1/4 c. butter
1/2 c. half-and-half
1 TBS cornstarch
1 TBS sugar
Salt and Pepper to taste
Dried parsley for garnish

In a large skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Add corn kernels and half-and-half. Stir well. Sprinkle with cornstarch, sugar, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally for about 12 minutes, until thickened. Transfer to serving dish and garnish. *NOTE* To get the most flavor from your corn, after the kernels are cut off, slide the back of your knife down "milking" the corn. This is a very starchy liquid that will enhance the corn flavor. 

Shared on The Country Cook Oct. 25, 2013


1 comment:

  1. One of my greatest loves in the kitchen is 'dressing up' veggies...this looks and sounds fabulous. So glad you shared at Weekend Potluck. Please come back soon.


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