Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Hoosier Autumn {Indiana Family of Farmers}

We are so incredibly blessed to live in a part of the country that gets to experience all 4 seasons. Now, I will be the first to admit I am not a fan of winter, but next to summer, fall is my favorite season. I love the colors. I love the warm-ish, sunny days, the cool, crisp nights, the flavors, and I love the traditions my family enjoys so much. And when I stopped to think about it, many of our favorite things to do are related to Indiana Farms!

From taking Alex to a local pumpkin patch, to wandering through a huge corn maze, to visiting a beautiful orchard to pick a bushel of crisp, delicious apples, all of these are things we are lucky to be able to do because of Indiana farmers!

This year was actually the first time we took him apple picking, simply because I wasn't aware we had an "U pick" orchard near us until just a few months ago. Well, I can tell you he had a wonderful time, and we came home with some beautiful apples, not to mention, gourds and pumpkins too from their farm stand.

Did you know that in addition to livestock and crops, Hoosier farmers grow more than 30 major different fruits and veggies? Don't know which ones are in season? Use the Indiana Harvest Calendar to find out! 

Oh, and here is something extra fun, that I know all the kiddies will love. Chocolate Milk is the official drink of Halloween! Why? Because it is nutrition in disguise! Chocolate milk is a great way for little ones to get the 9 essential nutrients found in milk. It has the same nutritional value as white milk, including the bone building calcium and protein kids need to grow up strong and healthy. 

Especially in schools, chocolate milk chocolate milk encourages kids to make healthier drink choices. In fact, 70% of the milk consumed in schools is chocolate. (And I'm pretty sure my son makes up for at least half of that!!) And the chocolate milk in schools is low in fat, and has been reformulated to contain less sugar, all while keeping the same calcium, Vitamin D and protein as regular milk. 

I will fully admit, I was not aware of these chocolate milk facts, and I'm so happy to learn that I can feel good about letting my little guy drink his favorite choice for school lunch!

So, this fall, be sure to get out there and enjoy everything your area has to offer. And if you are a fellow Hoosier, be sure to include an Indiana farm, or two in your plans!! Farms are where the action is at this beautiful, fun-filled, autumn season!

To Learn More About Indiana Family of Farmers~

*Disclaimer* I was provided with complimentary tickets for this post. All thoughts, opinions and experiences are my own.

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