Wednesday, October 9, 2013

50 Year Celebration at The Children's Museum {A Flash Giveaway}

Do your kids love the Children's Museum of Indianapolis as much as my son? Do they enjoy a good Haunted House this time of year? Well, now they can enjoy both in one event!

That's right, this year marks the 50th anniversary of The Children's Museum Guild's Haunted House, the oldest operating haunted house in the nation! The Haunted House is a fundraiser for the museum, raising more than $8.5 million since it began in 1964.

This year you, and the little ones, can join your ghoulish guide, Dr. Timestein, for an amazing journey back in time as your explore 5 "deadcades" of movies, television, music, and history through a terrifying Time Warp. is the fun part. My good friends at the Children's Museum have given me a Family (4) Pack of tickets to the Haunted House for one lucky EMM reader. It's easy to enter, and easy to win!

For more info, log onto their website, where you can learn more about the 50 year celebration, the history of the Haunted House and see lots of fun attractions currently going on at the Museum.

And for more chances to win, check out these other blogs that are also giving away tickets: 

**To Enter: Leave a comment on THIS post telling me your favorite Haunted House fright. Witches? Mummies? Frankenstein? Be sure to leave a valid email address so I can find you. Contest Ends: Friday Oct. 11, 2013


  1. I'm not sure what my favorite is because, believe it or not, I've never been to a haunted house! But I would enjoy trying it sometime.

  2. We love witches, although not too scary!

  3. I like the people who look normal at first glance but then when you look closer there is blood or they are missing a limb. I guess they would be zombies? Thank you!

  4. We love the people who look fake/not real at first and then when you get close they move and scare the you know what out of you.


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