Friday, September 20, 2013

Coming Soon...Autumn

If you haven't been paying attention to the calendar, the first day of fall (according to the calendar) is this Sunday. Now I realize that for many, the minute the clock struck midnight on September 1st, you were in full on autumn mode; while some, including us, still had some 95+ degree weather ahead of them, so summer was lingering in our minds. No matter what the thermometer says though, it is time to at least enjoy the flavors fall has to offer!

So I thought the perfect way to kick off the season here on EMM would be with something featuring one of autumn's greatest treats, apple!

This is the perfect dessert for a busy schedule like mine, hence the word "lazy". Taking a little help from the store with the cake mix, this comes together in no time. Plus, the use of pie filling makes it something you can make rather the fresh apples look good or not.

Rather it is for a weeknight supper, or a nice bonfire party, complete with warm cider and a hayride, this simple dessert will be loved by all, and ring in the new season with a taste bud celebration!

Lazy Apple Crisp
1 (21 oz.) can apple pie filling
2 TBS brown sugar
1 (16.5 oz) yellow cake mix, DRY do NOT add other ingredients
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 c. chopped walnuts
6 TBS butter, diced

Preheat oven to 375. In the bottom of a 8x11 pan, spread pie filling. Sprinkle with brown sugar. Evenly sprinkle cake mix until completely covering pie filling. Sprinkle with cinnamon and walnuts. Dot with diced butter. Bake for 45 minutes or until browned and bubbly. *NOTE* I did NOT use the entire package of cake mix. I probably had about 1/4 c. leftover.

Shared on The Country Cook Sept. 20, 2013
Apple at Very Good Recipes


  1. It looks sooo yummy...and nutty! LOVE apple dishes this time of year...and love quick too. This is a perfect recipe. Thanks so much for sharing at Weekend Potluck.

  2. I'm wondering if this would work in a crock pot?!?

  3. When I haven't tried doing a recipe differently myself, I don't like to speculate. Knowing how this has to cook in the oven to achieve the right texture, I can say I would be a tiny apprehensive to try it in the slow cooker. I'm afraid it would be mushy instead of crispy.

  4. Krista, great recipes. Hope to try some if them. Is this the article I was looking for?

  5. No. The article they ran in the physical paper unfortunately can't be found online.


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