Saturday, August 31, 2013

Soul Food Saturday #20

Happy Labor Day weekend! I hope you have something fun, or maybe relaxing, planned for this 3 day gateway to fall. Okay, so I'm not wishing summer away by any means, but with September coming in less than 24 hours, I'm trying to embrace the fact the hot, sunny days are going to become further and farther between. But I'm sure we still have some beautiful weather ahead of us, and hopefully you'll get out and enjoy some this weekend! Bekki is here with the perfect holiday dessert, especially if you're having guests. It takes one of my all time favorite ice cream parlor treats and put a new spin on it!

I saved the best for last. Since most of us have a 3 day weekend and are celebrating Labor Day, we can’t leave out the dessert. This pie transforms banana split toppings into one delicious slice. After having a nice cookout this is a perfect way to end the meal. Super easy to prepare and in advance so it doesn't get in the way of other celebrating that must be had this weekend. This is one you’ll want to keep around, because someone is going to want your secret recipe. Enjoy!
Banana Split Pie {Adapted from Valley View Women’s club Cookbook}
 2 graham cracker crusts
2 cups confectioners’ sugar
1 stick unsalted butter
2 tbs. vanilla
1 8oz. package Cream Cheese, softened
6-7 bananas, sliced
1 large can crushed pineapple, drained
1 tub whipped topping
1 c. Maraschino cherries
1 c. macadamia nuts, chopped
In a large bowl, cream together butter, sugar, vanilla and cream cheese. Pour half of    mixture into each pie crust. Layer bananas on top of filling and press them in gently. Then layer pineapple on top of bananas. Lastly finish each pie with a layer of whipped topping, and top with cherries and nuts.

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