Saturday, August 3, 2013

Soul Food Saturday #16

Welcome to another weekend!  Can you believe August is here already? Seriously, where did July go? The time is flying by like crazy and it's hard to believe the kids will be heading back to school soon. In fact, some here in Indiana went back by the end of July! Luckily, we still have a couple weeks left of summer vacation, so we are determined to fill each minute with the most fun we can. But before the school year begins, Bekki is sharing a favorite from the summers of her childhood! I know adults and kids both are going to love this for a simple supper or even a great snack on movie night!

Summer vacation is coming to a close. For some its way to soon, and most it feels like it’s just begun. One of my most favorite things about summer vacation as a child was making some of our favorite meals as family dinner. My brother and I loved being the ones that chose our evening meal, and when we could put a spin on a favorite it was even more excited. We felt like chefs, and it gave us something we could help mom out with on a busy weeknight. So this week I am sharing our Monster Nachos. It’s a plate of nachos with twist. We added chili with beans, and of course don’t forget your favorite finish toppings. Sliced jalapenos, onions or a big dollop of sour cream! Let your little ones in on the fun, they will love them just as much as you!
Monster Nachos
2 (15 oz.) cans Thick Chili with Beans
2 c. shredded cheddar cheese
¼ c. water
Bag of tortilla chips
In a medium sauce pan, add chili and water. Stir to breakup larger pieces and heat evenly. Stirring frequently, allow to heat through completely before removing from heat. About 5 minutes. When heated through, remove from heat and set aside. On each plate add approx 2 c. of tortilla chips then top with 1 c. chili with beans. Sprinkle with ½ c. of shredded cheese. Then microwave on high for 30 to 45 sec. to melt the cheese. Serve hot. Add your favorite toppings or eat them straight from the microwave, either way they are SUPER! Enjoy!
Optional toppings:
Diced onions
Sliced jalapenos
Sour cream
Diced tomato

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  1. Those look terrific. I miss Church Supper Sundays. Always great recipes on your site!


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