Friday, July 19, 2013

Fresh From The Patch

Are blueberries fresh for the picking in your area? Well, they are here in Indiana and oh, they taste so good fresh from the patch! We are lucky enough to live close to quite a few U-pick patches where I can take the boy and let him loose gathering in pound after pound. But this year, well, we did thinks a little differently.

I actually got notice that the berries were ready at one of our favorite places the day we were driving home from our vacation. I was literally sitting in the car in Jacksonville, Florida wondering "Okay, how am I going to get to the berries...and quick?" Luckily they also had some pre-picked ones available and my mother-in-law was nice enough to snag us a couple pounds so they were waiting on us when we got home.

Now I will be very honest, after being gone for 3 weeks, our cupboards and fridge were a little sad those first few days we were home. I had stock piled a few things before we left, but still, every time I went to make lunch for Alex I kind of felt like Old Mother Hubbard. So needless to say, most of that two pounds were simply eaten as is with lunch and snacks. But there was no way I wasn't going to find something to make with some of them too. And when I thought of my brand new ice cream maker...I knew exactly what it would be!

So if you have a berry patch near you, and are looking for a fun summer time activity for the kids, take them to pick their own. Then bring them home and have them help you make this great tasting, perfect cool down, summer time treat!

Blueberry Ice Cream
1/2 c. white sugar
1/4 c. water
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
2 c. fresh blueberries, plus extra for garnish
2 c. heavy cream
1 TBS lemon juice
Pinch Salt

In a small saucepan over low heat combine sugar and water. Cook until sugar dissolves. Add berries, lemon juice, salt and vanilla. Stir and cook just until berries burst, about 5-7 minutes. Remove to bowl. Bring to room temperature. Place in refrigerator until cooled, about an hour. Add cream to blueberry mixture. Mix well. Add to ice cream machine and follow directions. For mine, after about 20 minutes of mixing it was a "soft serve" consistency. If you prefer a more frozen version, transfer to a bowl, cover and freeze until solid.

Shared on The Country Cook July 19, 2013
Shared on Make Ahead Meals July 22, 2013


  1. I've never thought of blueberry ice cream. Sounds great and your pictures are awesome.

    We are featuring blueberries at Saturday Dishes. Hope you can come over.

    Wishes for tasty dishes,
    Linda @ Tumbleweed Contessa


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