Monday, May 20, 2013

Crock Pot Barbecue

I think we all have guilty pleasures when it comes to food, and I also believe as long as you satisfy them in moderation, they are perfectly healthy and okay to indulge in. Plus, since we all know we have them, I don't think we should ever, ever judge someone else's. That being said, I'm going to share one of mine with you. (Actually I think I've told you this before, but with so many new readers every single day, I'll take the chance of repeating myself.)

McDonald's. Yes, when it comes to things I crave that aren't good for me...mine include those golden arches. I can't help myself. From sandwiches to the fries to the breakfast menu, sometimes I just have to have it. And one of my favorite times of the year is when they roll out the red carpet for one of their most famous sandwiches...the "McRib". I know it's not true barbecue, but I don't care. I love the flavor, the bun, the sauce...yum yum yum! 

So when I decided to try another "pulled" barbecue recipe in the slow cooker, I wanted to base it on this naughty sandwich. I figured I would use chicken instead of pork, making myself feel better about eating more than one. But I was sure to include the onions and the pickles, two signatures from the McRib. As this cooks, the onions cook down until they are soft, tender and compliment the meat perfectly. 

This is a great dish for summer, the official barbecue season. But also because you don't have to heat up the house to make it since the Crock Pot does all the work for you! Plus, if you're having a backyard or pool party, make sliders for the perfect barbecue finger food. 

Whatever your foodie guilty pleasures are, I salute them! Everyone needs to treat themselves now and again, and food is all about joy, no matter how bad it might be!

Crock Pot Pulled Barbecue Chicken
1 medium onion, sliced thin
3 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
1 (19 oz.) bottle barbecue sauce
Garlic Salt to taste
Montreal Chicken Seasoning to taste
Salt and Pepper to taste
Sliced Pickles

Place onions in bottom of Crock Pot. Season both sides of chicken with all seasonings. Place on top of onions. Pour barbecue sauce over, and spread to coat. Cook on HIGH 1 hour. Reduce heat to LOW and cook 3 hours, stirring occasionally   Remove chicken and pull apart with two forks. Place back in Crock Pot and stir to combine. Cook on LOW 1 additional hour. Serve on buns with sliced pickles, if desired.

Shared on Make Ahead Meals May 20, 2013
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box May 21, 2013
Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain May 22, 2013
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage May 23, 2013
Shared on The Country Cook May 24, 2013

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you a peaceful Memorial Day Weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen


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