Saturday, April 6, 2013

Weekend Company {Guest Blogger Bekki}

Good Morning! I hope you find yourself at the end of a fantastic week. I know like us, many of you are coming to the end of your Spring Break. Are you as sad as we are? Ten days certainly flew by! But we are making the most of these last few days. So I'm so thankful my dear friend Bekki is here to cook with you, while I'm out having fun with my "boys." So, grab a tall glass of iced tea, or go crazy and have a Bloody Mary (and if you do, have one for me too!) and join us in the EMM kitchen!

I just celebrated 3 years married to my amazing husband Josh. We share a home in
California with our fur babies, Minnie and Shadow.  After years of learning recipes and tricks from my mom, grandmothers and aunts I moved on to learn and teach cake decorating.  Enjoying every minute! All while learning tricks and tips of my own to improve on, and make healthier versions of my favorites. To later compile and write my own cookbook to share with all that love food as much as I do. I hope that these recipes bring you joy and sweet memories as they always have for my family and I.
Hello EMM Family, can you believe Spring break 2013 is now a  memory?  It feels like our year has just started and before we knew it, the sun decided it was sticking around with the warmer weather. Even with that, comfort food is always welcome in our home, and I am sure yours as well.
    This is a recipe, that is a spin off of a casserole my mom used to make for our family growing up. She called it her version of Tamale pie. She used  corn tortillas instead of making the cornmeal crust. It was a one pot meal that took no more than about 30 minutes to make and have on the table. This version is not much different. As you have probably already noticed my husband and I really enjoy spicy food.  This one is a pretty spicy, and for those of you who enjoy spice but not much heat, you can remove the membrane and seeds from the jalapenos before adding them to the pan. Use less or even omit them entirely. They will not change the dish at all. Also you can substitute the enchilada sauce for tomato sauce if you’d rather not have the spice at all.
But if you want to warm up your tummy and your taste buds at the same time, give this recipe a try.
Spicy Turkey Tortilla Skillet Casserole
1lb. Ground turkey
1tb olive oil
1 small onion, chopped
2 Tsp garlic powder
1 Tsp salt
3 jalapenos , chopped (optional)
1 14.5 oz can stewed tomatoes
1 c. enchilada sauce (medium)
1 14.oz can corn
1/2c shredded cheddar/jack cheese
6 corn tortillas chopped
In a large frying pan add oil, meat, onions, jalapenos, garlic and salt and cook until meat is cooked through and onions and jalapenos have softened. Stirring occasionally. Add, tomatoes, corn and  enchilada sauce and  stir to combine. Allow a few minutes for tomatoes and sauce to warm through.  Add chopped tortillas pieces and stir to combine, and incorporate tortilla pieces. Cover allowing sauce to soften tortillas. Stir often. After tortillas are softened add cheese and combine. Serve hot.
Serves 6
Optional toppings:
tortilla chips 
Sour cream
Additional cheese

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