Monday, February 4, 2013

Put Away The Milk

A few weeks ago I was given a brand new box of cinnamon toast cereal. You know the kind. The tiny crispy squares covered in cinnamon and sugar. Well, I knew I was going to have a very happy little boy, because he loves that kind, but I don't buy it very often, so it was going to be a huge treat. And I can't lie, I love it too, so I was a little excited myself. But when I brought it home, I realized he was still working on another box of cereal (I only have one box open at a time to prevent it getting stale before he can finish it.) so I put the new one away for a bit.

Then the next week, we were driving and passed one of our favorite Mexican restaurants, but a different location than we usually go to. We asked Alex if he remembered going there when he was just little, and having fried ice cream for the first time. He said "No, what's fried ice cream?" Wow, I guess he was younger than what we remember, because this kid has a memory like an elephant, and I know he would remember that experience, especially since food was involved!

And that was when these two stories came to a crossroads. I had seen many recipes online for using cinnamon toast cereal to make "fake" fried ice cream, so I immediately knew what I could do with some of that brand new cereal!

This is a great make at home version of the Mexican classic, and it's really easy too. It would be a great way for your kids to play with their food, and not get in trouble for it! This time, cereal isn't just for breakfast, and you can go ahead and put the milk away!

"Fried" Ice Cream From Betty Crocker
1 1/2 c. cinnamon toast cereal, crushed
3 c. vanilla ice cream
4 TBS honey

Measure out six 1/2 c. scoops of ice cream. Roll into balls. Put in freezer for 15 minutes. In a shallow dish, combine crushed cereal and 2 TBS honey. Mix well until crumbly. Gently and quickly roll ball into cereal mixture, pressing gently to adhere. Put back in freezer, for at least 20 minutes, or if waiting to serve, cover to keep. To serve, warm remaining 2 TBS honey in microwave for 10 seconds. Drizzle ice cream with warm honey.

Shared on Make Ahead Meals Feb. 4, 2013
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Feb. 5, 2013
Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Feb. 6, 2013
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Feb. 7, 2013
Shared on The Country Cook Feb. 8, 2013
Dessert at Very Good Recipes
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  1. What a neat idea!!! I hadn't thought of it but it is such a great way to have a complete Mexican meal at home :)

  2. We will have to try this! Thanks for the idea. I am a new follower to your blog.

  3. Oh my word! How amazing is this??? I LOVE fried ice cream and can't believe I've never made it. That's about to change. Thanks so much for sharing at Weekend Potluck. YUMMMY!!!

  4. I haven't had Fried Ice Cream in forever, I forget what an fantastic dessert it is. Hope you are having a great weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  5. Congrats Krista your Fried Ice Cream had the most clicks at last week's Weekend Potluck! My kids will love this one! Have a great weekend!


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