Thursday, February 28, 2013

I Do Too

I know for many of you, this is not the only food blog you read. And guess's not the only one I read either! Of course not. There are too many talented people out there doing what I do, in some form, not to have us supporting each other, and reading what everyone else is cooking up too!

And for faithful EMM fans, it will come as no shock to you that another blog I not only read, but have the utmost respect for is The Country Cook. Plus, I'm guessing for a lot of you, it's one of your favorites too! Brandie is such a dear foodie friend to me; in fact, she was one of the first connections I made when I entered the world of food blogging; and to this day I value her so so much. Not to mention I always look forward to what she has coming out of her kitchen because you can always depend on two things: It will be simple and it will be absolutely delicious!

I feel like Brandie and I are kindred spirits in many ways. We are both mommies to young boys. They are both named Alex. And we are both always on the lookout for easy to make, down to earth recipes that the every day home cook can prepare and enjoy. Brandie is absolutely famous for her desserts (Seriously...I've seen them being shared on Facebook hundreds of time!) and one of the things she is a star at is using pre-packaged cake mixes in new and unique ways to come up with desserts perfect for a busy week.

So when I first saw her post these, "advertising" them only having 3 ingredients, I was ready to hit the "save" button right away. I immediately began typing a comment only to realize what I was typing underneath. The person right before me was chastising her for using a cake mix saying the recipe was "unhealthy" and "useless". Well, I'm not one to simply sit back and allow my friends to be attacked, so I began typing my strongly worded response. Just before I hit the enter button, the rude comment disappeared, so I asked her if she had deleted it. She confirmed that she indeed had, simply because there was no room for that kind of behavior on her page. I didn't blame her one bit, but did share that I was ready to defend her if need be. She explained to me that any time she posts a recipe using these mixes she receives many comments of that same nature. I won't lie. I was shocked! Not that people can be rude and say things that are out of line, but because they would choose cake mix to get so excited about.

Look, I realize that many many people are staying away from processed or pre-packaged foods; and I completely understand the reasons why; and I respect them. I truly do. But for those of us that do choose to use them every now and again to make our lives a little easier, and to still have the outcome of easy, yummy food to provide for our loved ones...well, I don't find that useless in any way. Anything that will lead to my family sitting down around the table and making memories in 100% okay in my book. All I ask is that those who choose not to use some of the same things I cook with, have the same respect for my decision as I have for theirs. (Okay...I'll get off my soap box now. I just really needed to say that.)

These are an amazing lemon dessert for any lemon lover like me. And yes, they only have 3 ingredients, making them super simple. I think they would make a festive, bright dessert for Easter brunch or dinner. (For those of you not keeping track, Easter is early this year, and only about 4 weeks away) They look like spring on a plate, while being refreshing and delicious.

I adore my foodie community...from the bloggers to the fans. I find inspiration in all of you, just like you find inspiration from me...and for that I thank you.

Easy Lemon Crumble Bars From The Country Cook 
1 (21 oz) can lemon pie filling
1 yellow cake mix (DRY do NOT add other ingredients)
1 stick butter, softened

Preheat oven to 350. Grease a 9x13 pan well. (I like to use the cooking spray with flour added) In a large mixing bowl combine dry cake mix and butter. Using a spoon and your fingers, mix well until crumbly mixture forms. Measure out 1/2 cup mixture and set aside. Pour remaining mixture into greased pan and press down to form a crust. Pour pie filling over and spread evenly. Sprinkle remaining crumbles over top. Bake for 20-25 minutes until top is slightly golden. Serve warm  or allow to cool. I like these served cold, but either way, leftovers do need to be covered and refrigerated.

Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Feb. 28, 2013
Shared on The Country Cook Mar. 1, 2013


  1. I am so happy you tried this one and liked it!! I do get some um questionable? comments everyday over on the blog because of the recipes I share. But for every meany comment, there are many others right behind it that are sweet and kind and supportive. Those are the ones that get it. Balance is the key to everything in life - including food. But one thing we can never have enough of is kindness! ((hugs)) ~Brandie

  2. Thank you for sharing this yummy looking lemon recipe. As far as the nasty comments, well, some people aren't happy in their own lives and have to tear others down. Ignore them. Brandie, keep doing what you're doing and Krista, thank you for defending others.

    We may have met by chance...but we become friends by choice.

  3. i like this post. totally agree we need to respect each other's recipes and food choices. and you're right getting the kids to sit around the table and EAT is the most important thing. i love lemons so i like the look of this recipe. thanks for sharing. B

  4. You have a lovely site and I have recently tried a few of your recipes. Not only were they very easy, they were also very good. I follow you on Pinterest and when I saw this post this morning I immediately had to check it out. I love anything lemon and this seems right up my alley. We are a show choir family and are mired in show choir from late December thru mid March so easy is always better. It's not always easy to get a good meal on the table for everyone to sit down to and I try very hard to make sure that my family sits down to dinner as a cohesive unit regardless of activity. I have seen a few negative comments myself from people and I always wonder why they feel the need to be negative. At any rate I ramble.. I applaud you for what you do everyday and the fact that you share what you learn with the rest of us. Sometimes being able to pull up a recipe that has been tried and tested by an everyday mom (and not a test kitchen) just makes things that much simpler. You already know it's going to be good because the foot work is already done. And since you mentioned reading other foodie blogs; if you don't already, you should try The Girl Who Ate Everything. She has a recipe for lemon brownies that is the bomb. :)

  5. I just don't like the recipes that I see and I don't have the items to cook it at home right now :) I don't have either of these items at home and although it looks great. I will just have to stare at the picture on the screen a little longer. I am trying to get away from store bought stuff but that being said, isn't that why it is there? I make homemade cupcakes and throw the store bought frosting on top or else they wouldn't be frosted in time :) Thanks for the great recipe!

  6. I have stamp classes in my home and I always like to try easy recipes for snacks and desserts so this is just what I am looking for. Cake mix, lemon filling.... yum. Thank you for sharing.

  7. I have stamp classes in my home and I always like to try easy recipes for snacks and desserts so this is just what I am looking for. Cake mix, lemon filling.... yum. Thank you for sharing.

  8. All I can say if you have a problem with using pre-packaged cake mixes stop reading blogs that use them! I use prepackaged cake mixes, my mom used them, my grandma used them and we have survived nicely thank you!

    I love The Country Cook and I just discovered yours Keep up the good work!

    BTW My grandma lived to be 95 years ago and always had cake, cookies and goodies in her house!

  9. Hi Krista,
    I agree that Brandi is a awesome cook and I have tried many of her recipes and they are always a hit here with our crowd.

    I just love these Bars, they look awesome! Hope you are having a great weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  10. I'm giggling...cause when I saw your post on FB...I had to check and see if it was Brandie's recipe...YES! I've had the pudding in my pantry to make these for a while now and am anxious to get it made...I'm so with you in defending our dear friend Brandie. She is awesome and does so much to help busy moms. I say, if you don't care for the recipes...move on and let it go! Thanks for all your sweet comments of support for her...I'll be sharing this recipe soon myself. Enjoy a great weekend...and keep on keeping on. I LOVE what you do here!!


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