Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Childhood Soup

I have many fond food memories from when I was little. Dishes mom made better than anyone, things that grandma made better than anyone, special traditions that seemed so simple, but now are remembered with such great fondness. Like when my dad used to "tear down" making breakfast for supper. Pancakes just taste better at 6:30 pm for some reason. And those memories are exactly where the inspiration for this recipe comes from.

About once a month, mom would declare it was "soup night" and in our family that meant 1 thing. Everyone got to choose their own variety of canned soup to enjoy. Now, if everyone wanted the same, it became a meal. But sometimes the three of us would all want different kinds, and that was okay because mom would make them all. That's what made it so much fun! And 9 times out of 10, I was going to choose Bean and Bacon! Oh I loved it so much! Just the smell could make my mouth water! Plus, mom always treated me to my favorite "dipper"~ some crispy Texas toast. Mmm Mmm good! 

So you can imagine how thrilled I was when I came across this homemade, Crock Pot version! I couldn't believe how easy it was! I guess I shouldn't have been, but it was a pleasant surprise none the less. If you like my Ham and Beans, then I strongly suggest you try this. It's very similar, but still different enough not to seem like a repeat. Plus, an added bonus? Put this in the slow cooker int he morning, and when you come home after a long day, your house will smell amazing! Believe me, I'm speaking from personal experience. To make a little easier on yourself, let me suggest prepping the carrots and onions the night before. Pop them in the fridge and they are waiting on you the next morning when you might be in a rush trying to get this ready!

Another comforting food from my childhood updated just a little bit; and it includes my best kitchen friend, the Crock Pot. It doesn't get much better than that!

Crock Pot Bean and Bacon Soup From Crock Pot Ladies
16 oz. dried northern beans
6 slices bacon, cooked and chopped...reserve a little for garnish
32 oz. chicken broth
1 medium yellow onion, diced
3-5 large carrots, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tsp. dried thyme
1/2 tsp. dried rosemary
1/2 tsp. pepper
Salt to taste

Put beans in a large bowl and cover with cold water by 2 inches. Soak overnight. Drain beans and add to Crock Pot. Add bacon, onions, carrots and garlic. Pour in broth. Add enough water to cover mixture by 1 inch. Add seasonings and stir. Cook on LOW for 10-12 hours or HIGH for 6-8. Garnish with crispy bacon before serving. 
*NOTE* I chopped the onions and carrots in the food processor so they were extra fine. 

Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Feb. 20, 2013
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Feb. 21, 2013
Shared on The Country Cook Feb. 22, 2013


  1. There is something incredibly comforting about ham and bean soup. I love that this one can be made in a crockpot!

    Wanted to invite you to come join my How To Tuesday link party, too.

  2. My dad used to make a soup similar to this when I was a kid - it was always a favorite in our house! Can't wait to try your version =)

  3. What a great recipe! Have a great week and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen


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