Saturday, January 5, 2013

Weekend Company {Guest Blogger Angie}

Welcome to the weekend! Even though it was a short work week, I'm sure many of you felt it dragged on far too long, and are happy to see Saturday roll around once again. I truly can't believe the holidays are behind us, and we are at the end of the first week of 2013! I am always so sad after Christmas is over, and my living room looks so empty without all the decorations and sparkling tree. Not to mention Christmas vacation is over and Monkey heads back to school on Monday; and I don't know who is more upset, him or me!

But I am happy you joined us today for the first Guest Blogger of the New Year, and I'm so excited it is Angie. She always has something so yummy to share, and this recipe is probably my favorite thus far! So grab a cup of coffee, put a log on the fire, and join us in the kitchen~

I want to thank Krista for extending the offer for me to be a weekend guest again. My name is Angie Cupp, from Northern Indiana.  I am a busy wife, mom & teachers aide during the week.  Recently, I just went back to work full-time and that has added more craziness to a family of 5. 
The recipe I am sharing with you today has lots of memories with it.  More than 10 years ago my husband worked with a guy who was married to a lady from the Philippines.  She so kindly made Lumpia Egg Rolls for the staff at the office.  One day while visiting my husband at the office, Malou stopped by with some egg rolls. Once I had tasted them, I knew I needed the recipe.  Malou was so kind to share this with me.  After tweaking it to my families likings and many egg rolls later, here it is for you!  I always end up making a double batch so that we have plenty in the freezer. I hope you enjoy!

Lumpia Egg Rolls
1 lb ground beef
1 med carrot sliced
1 bundle of green onions (chopped finely)
1 egg
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
2 TBS of soy sauce
1 1/2 cups of cabbage (shredded)
1 pkg Spring Roll Pastry Wrappers (25ct)

Fry ground beef until no longer pink and drain grease.  Add the remaining ingredients to your skillet and saute until carrots & cabbage are tender or cooked thru.  Let cool in skillet.  Put in mixing bowl and refrigerate for a couple hours to cool mixture.  Once mixture is cooled, take 2 TBS of mixture and put on a Spring Roll Wrapper, tuck in the sides and roll.  I use a mixture of flour and a bit of water to seal each wrapper.  You can deep fry them immediately or later from a frozen state.  We deep fry ours for 4-5 minutes at 400 degrees.

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