Friday, January 11, 2013

Sundae In A Crust

I know I shared my Cranberry Orange Scones with you on Monday, but I feel like this is our first real sweet treat of the new year. Maybe because it's a pie. Maybe because unlike the scones which can also be a breakfast pastry, this is strictly dessert. Or maybe...just maybe it's because it contains chocolate! In fact, the main ingredient is indeed chocolate! So, if you are still trying to work off all the sweets you enjoyed during the holidays, you might want to save this for a later date (Maybe for your sweetie for Valentine's Day?) but if your sweet tooth is always in need of a boost, then you have come to the right place! To me, this remind me of two things. One, with the flavor of chocolate and the nuts scattered throughout, to me it resembles my Easy Chocolate Fudge (hence where the name comes from). And two, with the way I chose to garnish it, it was almost like eating an ice cream sundae inside of a pie crust; and for me, that's a very good thing. See, the older I get, the more milk and it's products, such as ice cream are not my friend. I do okay with small amounts, and cheese doesn't seem to bother me at all, but my days of big bowls of Rocky Road are over. Sad, I know. But for those who aren't deprived like me, this would taste fantastic ala mode! I know it's the new year and so many of us are trying even harder to watch what we eat and start 2013 on the right track, but I know deep down, even those of you who are hitting the gym every morning need a little pick me up now and again, so maybe one tiny piece of this would make a nice reward, or stay home from the gym and eat the whole pie...nobody will ever know!

Fudge Pie
1 9" deep dish pie shell, unbaked
1 c. sugar
1/4 c. flour
1/4 c. cocoa
2 eggs, beaten
1 stick butter, melted
1/4 tsp. vanilla
1/2 c. chopped pecans
Whipped Cream, optional
Maraschino Cherries, optional

Preheat oven to 350. If pie crust is frozen, place on a baking sheet and allow to thaw 15 minutes. In a large mixing bowl combine flour, sugar, cocoa, eggs, butter and vanilla. Stir well to combine. Fold in nuts and stir. Pour batter into shell. Place in oven (on baking sheet) and bake for 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted into center comes out clean. Garnish with whipped cream and cherries, if desired.

Shared on The Country Cook Jan. 11, 2013
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Jan. 14, 2013
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Jan. 15, 2013
Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Jan. 16, 2013


  1. Hi Krista! This recipe looks and sounds delicious! I hope to make it soon! Thanks for sharing! Blessings from Bama!

  2. Fudge pie? I like the sound of that!!


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