Friday, January 4, 2013

Monkey Reads, Mommy Cooks

This new addition to our New Year's Eve spread actually came to be because of a meal about 6 weeks prior to the holidays. Monkey and I were sitting at the dining room table enjoying a meal including Loaded Baked Potatoes when he began reading the back of the real bacon bits bag. "Mommy....these look really good. You should make these for our buffet on New Year's Eve." Mental note made. But before I could jot down the recipe, that bag got thrown away. In a different world, or time, this would have been disastrous  but not in the Internet age! With a few keystrokes I was able to find the recipe once again and we were all set. Plus, we got to try a new cracker we never had too! We love Triscuits, but I had never see the Thin Crisps variety. I have to admit, I think I like these more than the original, which can sometimes be a little dry. But these are light and airy. With bacon and cheese added, you know every guest at your next party will love these! Plus it would be easy to have a tray ready and waiting to cook quickly as you need more, since they only take a couple minutes to finish. Monkey's constant reading is so good for him, and makes me so proud, but who knew it could also lead to yummy treats in my kitchen too!

Bacon Cheddar Bites Adapted from Kraft
64 Triscuit Thin Crisps crackers
8 oz. shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 c. mayo
1/2 c. real bacon bits
3 tsp. onion powder

Preheat oven broiler. Place crackers on a baking sheet. In a medium bowl combine mayo, cheese, bacon bits and onion powder. Mix well. Top crackers with about 1/4 tsp of cheese mixture. Broil for 2 minutes until hot and bubbly.

Shared on The Country Cook Jan. 4, 2013
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Jan. 7, 2013

2013 Superbowl and Chili
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Bacon at Very Good Recipes
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking up to the Superbowl and Chili party. These look delicious. Thank goodness Mondy read the back of the package.


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