Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas !!!

Good Morning and many Merry Christmas wishes to you and yours this most wonderful of holidays! Even thought I won't be by the computer much today, I wanted to be sure to post a little something for my EMM family since we all can't be together.

Let me start by telling you all how incredibly lucky I am to be blessed with yet another year of what I love doing the most, being a Mommy and being a food blogger. I would have never guessed how this small "hobby" (as it began over 2 years ago) would not only turn into a career, but enrich my life in ways I didn't even know were possible. It's because of my EMM family I can do something I enjoy doing so so much, while providing for my family, and for that, I thank you, from the bottom of my heart for the incredible gift you have given not only me, but Adam and Alex also.

Back on Dec 1st our family made a very special adoption. We welcomed Winslow the Elf Scout into our home. For those of you who don't know the tradition, you can read more about Elf on the Shelf here.

We realized early on our cute little elf had a sneaky side, and each morning since Alex has been delighted to find him all over the house, and it's brought a whole new aspect to the magic of Santa in our home, giving us yet another holiday tradition to enjoy.

Winslow said goodbye last night, returning to the North Pole with Santa, but we look forward to seeing him again next year! So I thought it would be fun to have a "Winslow Flashback" today on the blog. Many of you saw these pictures as I posted them to Facebook, but for those who missed any, the entire collection is here to share. Plus, maybe you can find some inspiration for your little elf next holiday season.

From our family to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and joyous New Year!

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