Friday, December 14, 2012

After School During The Holidays

It wasn't so long ago I was so blessed to be at home every day, all day with my little man. Okay, I guess it has been almost 4 years ago, but that time has gone by in the blink of an eye. See, until he started preschool 3 days a week, it was just me and him. And I am so thankful for that time I had, and especially during the holiday season. During a typical day, I was always trying to find fun activities for us to do, and things to keep him busy, stimulated, learning, and entertained, and at Christmas time, that usually put us in the kitchen. Either at the counter and oven making something yummy to surprise Daddy with after work, or at the dining room table making a fun, festive craft. I can still hear him asking "Mommy, what are we making today" morning after morning. Well, these days, his teacher (lucky guy) gets to spend the majority of his week with him, and with homework, Taekwondo and other obligations, I have to fit in our special time together in other ways. And I don't want to wait for Christmas Break, because this year, that doesn't happen until 3 days before Christmas, and between the holiday gatherings and a family wedding, we're going to be a little too busy to be in the kitchen, at least together. So I have to split the fun holiday treat making into 2 categories. Those that I know he wants to help with, and would be crushed if I did on my own, and those that while fun, he's really going to be more interested in eating than anything else. And that's why these first appeared at our house last Friday as an after school treat for my Monkey. Even thought I did them on my own, kids would be terrific at helping and would love getting their hands into that melted chocolate! It's always a fun time getting your kids into the kitchen with you, but that fun is only multiplied during the holiday season. Make the memories while you can, because take it from me, they grow up way too fast!

 Double Candy Cane Oreos
1 package Winter Oreos (the ones with the red center)
1/4 tsp peppermint extract
2 c. white chocolate chips
2 TBS vegetable shortening
Candy Canes, crushed

In a glass bowl combine chips and shortening. Microwave 1 minute. Stir. Microwave 30 seconds more. Stir until completely melted. Add peppermint extract. Stir well.  Dip cookies into chocolate. Place on cooling racks on a cookie sheet and place in fridge for about 10 minutes to set. To remove lift racks from sheet, and using your fingers on the underside of them, gently pop cookies off. They will stick a bit, so just be patient. Keep refrigerated.

Shared on The Country Cook Dec. 14, 2012
Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box Dec. 18, 2012

Cookies at Very Good Recipes
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  1. Great post Krista! These cookies look so yummy. What a fun delicious treat to make. Come and visit us this week. We are having a wonderful giveaway from a very talented Southern author.

  2. White Fudge Oreos are my favorite Oreos, but they are only out for a few weeks in the fall now I can make my own and adding peppermint would be a great addition


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