Thursday, September 27, 2012

Birthday Party Snack

Back on September 15th we had a big day around here. It was Monkey's 8th Birthday Party! Now I've thrown him a few parties in his 8 short years, but this was going to be the first year he was allowed to invite friends; and was he ever excited! So back in early May (yeah, I'm that kind of planner) when I started thinking about what I would be serving, I knew one thing right away. I was going to have a low key, low stress level party for mom. All of his parties I've had in the past have included tons of food; and I don't regret doing it, but let's face it, there is a lot of work that goes into that! And this time, having other kids there besides my totally non picky eater, I didn't want to take the chance of having heaps of food leftover because none of the kids, or adults for that matter, ate it. So I decided we would have a simple "snacking" menu with cake, pretzels, popcorn, my Lemon Dill Snack Mix...and one more thing. But what would it be? Well, it wasn't until August when I asked fans on Facebook for their input that I got my inspiration. Many answered with trail mix or Chex Mix; and it reminded me I had just seen a commercial for the new Apple Cinnamon Chex. Immediately something came together in my mind and I knew I had my last snack for the party. Plus, I knew exactly what I would call it. It was after all, a party for my Monkey, so naming it after him was a top priority. Salty and sweet at the same time, this is yummy and simple to make. If you can pour cereal and mix, you can make this! My guests loved it. More than one told me that many times trail mixes are too sweet, and this was just the right balance of sweet and salty. I love my Monkey so much and each minute I put into his party was totally worth it when he said "Thanks, Mommy. I love you."

Monkey Munch
1 (13.75oz) box Apple Cinnamon Chex cereal
1 (12oz) bag banana chips
1 (6oz) bag dried cranberries
1 (14.75oz) can party peanuts

In a large bowl mix all ingredients well. Store in an airtight container.

Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Sept. 27, 2012
Shared on The Country Cook Sept. 28, 2012
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Oct. 1, 2012
Snacks at Very Good Recipes
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  1. It's a vital idea for an amazing birthday party.. Your food and birthday party supplies selection is quite impressive... I would like to accelerate this idea on my lovely kid's birthday party.
    Kids Birthday Party Boca Raton

  2. Your Monkey Munch looks great for any group or age. Hope you are having a great weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen


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