Saturday, August 18, 2012

Weekend Company {Guest Blogger Colleen}

Good Saturday Morning! Hopefully this past week was kind to you and you've entered the weekend ready to relax and enjoy some downtime. Today's guest is yet another EMM fan so kind to step into my kitchen and share something yummy with all of you. I love having fans guest blog because it brings our foodie family all the more closer. But not only am I excited to have her show you yer delicious creation, I can't wait for you to read the story that comes with it. When she sent it to me, I told her it was perfect because it sounded like something I would do and then share with you! I love when food comes with such a great story! So grab a cup of coffee, or tall glass of lemonade and join us~

Hi everyone! I'm Colleen.  I'm a 50 year old Mom and Grammy who believes one of the best ways to show someone you care about them is through food. I've had a love affair with food and cooking for many years now. I've collected recipes and cookbooks for a long time but my favorite recipes are the ones handed down from my family of wonderful cooks and bakers. This is one of those recipes.

I've been interested in guest blogging for Krista for quite a while now but never knew just what I'd talk about or what recipe I would share. Then something happened today that triggered a blog post in my head and here I am. My mom and I were out enjoying some yard sales when I came across 3 small metal mixing bowls in a stack. I reached for them laughing and when I showed my mom, she broke out in a big grin. I knew they had to go home with me. You'll see why in just a bit.

My love of food began at family tables where everyone was great cooks. One of the best was my Grandma Z.  Everything was homemade with love in her tiny little galley kitchen. Sunday fried chicken dinners at her and my grandfather's house are something of a legend in my family and one of my fondest memories is all of us gathered there to share a meal together. Her pies were amazing! This recipe is not quite a pie, but has that wonderful pie taste.  I'm sharing her recipe with you below and as you read through it, you will understand the significance of the little metal bowls. I'm sharing it just as she wrote it down many years ago. I've made it a few times through the years (never with as much success as she did) but never in the proper equipment. Maybe now mine will come out better! Somewhere, I think she is smiling. :)

Apple Pizza

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Use 3 different sized metal mixing bowls

In the large bowl combine:
1-1/3 c. all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 c. shortening
4 tbsp. cold water (about 1/3 cup)

Mix well together and roll dough out in a circle big enough to fill a pizza pan. Gently lift dough into the pan getting it as close to the edge as possible.

In the smallest bowl combine:
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. cinnamon

Sprinkle 1/2 the spice mixture onto the raw pizza dough, reserving half for later.

Peel and very thinly slice 4 cooking apples (I used Fuji) and place onto the dough and spice mixture. Sprinkle the rest of the spice mixture on top of the apples.

In the medium bowl combine:
1/2 c. sugar
3/4 c. all-purpose flour
1/2 c. (1 stick) softened butter or margarine

Mix together with fork or pastry cutter until crumbly. Sprinkle evenly over the apples. Bake for 30-35 minutes, until topping is light golden brown.

Clean up messy kitchen while pizza bakes.

Cool slightly and cut into pizza size pieces. Enjoy!

*Note* I don't know that it actually makes a big difference if you use the metal bowls or not. Until today, I always just used plastic bowls. However you make it, I'm sure you and those you love will enjoy it. :) 

Thanks Krista for having me today and letting me share my recipe and my memories with everyone. Ya'll take care! :)

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  1. Good morning! Thanks Krista for having me visit this morning. I have to give some credit where it is due this morning. I just found out that this recipe came from my cousin, Barb. She had apparently made it in school, liked it and shared it with our grandmother. I don't know how I missed that part of the story in my head... I just always remembered it being something my grandmother made. So here's a shout out Barb for bringing this one into the family fold. :) :)

  2. I must try this....I even have my Mom's set of metal mixing bowls (3)! Wonderful story & the pizza looks yummy! Thanks for sharing! -susan @


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