Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mommy & Monkey Adventure

Sleeping in. Sunny days. Pool time. Laying in the lounge chair reading. These are all reasons why I look forward to summer all year. The things I dream about while we're shoveling snow and freezing! But the one thing I look forward to the absolute most is knowing I get to spend all day, every day with my favorite little monkey. I know some parents complain about summer break and going crazy with the kids at home; and I realize it's probably easier because I do only have one. But Alex spent his first 4 years at home with me 24/7 so when preschool came, and he was gone just a few hours a day 3 days per week, it was quite the adjustment. Then came Kindergarten last year, and he was gone all day, 5 days per week, and well, let's just say Mommy almost had a nervous breakdown. So when summer comes and it's just him and I again, it's like the "good ole' days". I try really hard to plan fun things for us to do and ways for us to make memories. It can be something as small as packing a picnic lunch and going to a local park! As long as we are together having a "Mommy and Monkey date" we are happy.

This year we were lucky enough to start our tradition a little early because of a four day weekend over the Memorial Day holiday. That Friday I decided we were going to jump right into summer fun even though he still had 6 days of school left! It was a beautiful sunny, warm day perfect for what I had in mind~ Strawberry Picking! This is only the second year he has picked his own, and he does a FANTASTIC job! He only picks red ripe ones, is very careful and doesn't eat any until I can wash them! He was a picking machine! My little man picked 10 POUNDS mostly by himself! We had so much fun, and he was so proud!
Finding just the right ones!

Filling his buckets!

That is what 10 lbs of berries look like.

After we were done berry picking we headed to my parent's house for some more fun. Alex's highlight? As he put it, a "water party". Water balloons, a huge squirt gun and a garden hose. Maa-Ma knows how to entertain a little boy on a warm day!

Cooling off

To round out our fun filled day, Alex enjoyed his first Food Truck experience at JumBy's Joint. A Chicago Dog and Truffle Fries were on the menu, and he gave them both 2 Thumbs Up.

And how do you finish such a super fun day? You have S'mores of course! Now I will be very honest. Until this day, I had never had a s'more in my life! I'm always too busy catching marshmallows on fire and eating them. (Yes, I like them charred!!!) But when I found mint chocolate marshmallows at the grocery store, I knew I wanted my first one to be special and shared with my most special little man having his first one too!
Mommy, these are the BEST!
I hope your summer plans including fun activities with your kids too! They are only little for such a short time, so be sure to make each day count!

Mint Chocolate S'mores
Graham Crackers ( I like the special square ones)
Mint Chocolate Marshmallows, figure 2 per s'more b/c they are smaller
Chocolate Bars

Roast marshmallows. Between 2 graham crackers add 2 pieces of chocolate bar and 2 marshmallows. "Smoosh" and enjoy!

Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage June 7, 2012
Shared on The Country Cook June 8, 2012 
Shared on Sweet as Sugar Cookies June 9, 2012
Dessert at Very Good Recipes
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  1. I love Smores, and mint flavoring is my favorite, so those are something I'll definitely have to try! Thanks for sharing!
    Jackie @ pool lounge chairs


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