Thursday, June 28, 2012

Deli Counter Leftover

So it was a Thursday night. The boys were at Taekwondo and I was off to the grocery store. I knew I couldn't "dilly dally" because they would be wanting supper when I got home; and while I knew what was on the menu, I was so not in the mood to cook it...or anything else for that matter. I know you get in those moods too! Those of us who cook so much, sometimes multiple times a day, really do get to the point that just the thought of stepping into the kitchen exhausts us! (If you are reading this shaking your head saying "no I don't" then I applaud you!) I love cooking for my family, but I do have those days where if someone offered to come do it for me, I'd take them up on it in a heartbeat! So there I was wandering the aisles of Walmart whining to myself when the aroma of fresh rotisserie chickens from the deli took over my senses and beckoned to me. Well, it took all of about 5 minutes for me to decide I would not be cooking that night. We would be eating one of those delectable chickens along with some prepared sides from the deli counter too. Two thumbs up for a mom's night off! Supper was delicious, and we even had some chicken leftover that I was able to make lunch with the next day. Chicken salad is one of my favorites and I love experimenting with different flavors and versions with whatever I happen to have on hand. Everybody needs a night off now and then...and if anyone argues with you, tell them I said so!

Cranberry Chicken Salad
2 c. cooked chicken, finely diced or shredded
1/2 c. mayo
1/4 c. finely chopped celery
1/4 c. sliced almonds
3 TBS dried cranberries
Salt and Pepper to taste

In a bowl combine all ingredients. Mix well. Chill until serving. Garnish with extra almonds and cranberries if desired. Serve on a bed of field greens, buns, toast, crackers, etc.

Shared on The Country Cook June 29, 2012
Chicken at Very Good Recipes
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1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you mean about needing a night off every once and a while. The same thing happens to me! This chicken salad sounds absolutely delicious, a great use of leftover rotisserie chicken!!


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