Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Yes, He Eats Those Too

Loyal fans of EMM know my son is a true foodie in the making! I've said it before, but won't hesitate to again, we are very lucky that from a young age, Alex has never once been a picky eater. He has always been willing to try new foods, and eats things that most children won't go near. Therefore, I am allowed much more freedom in the kitchen to experiment and cook the way Adam and I want to eat rather than worrying about "if he will like it" or making two separate meals to accommodate. Plus, he likes so many things, he'll go through phases where he wants me to cook with them more and find new ways to eat them. That was how and why Roasted Beets made it into our oven. Lately the thing he's been requesting more and more of are cucumbers and radishes. He wants them cut up for snack, in his lunch for school, and if we're at a party w/ a veggie tray, they are the first thing on his plate. He is completely happy eating them raw, but I thought I could probably come up with something a little more complex for a side dish for dinner. This would make a great salad this summer b/c there is no mayonnaise in it. Plus it's great served room temp or chilled, so it can be taken with you with little effort. So if you're attending a big cook out for the upcoming Memorial Day weekend, keep this in mind! If your child is a picky eater and won't touch radishes for no amount of money in the world, I apologize for "bragging" about mine who will eat pretty much everything under the sun; but believe me, I do know just how grateful I should be, and I am.

Cucumber and Radish Salad Adapted from Epicurious
1 large cucumber, peeled
6 large radishes
1/4 c. cider vinegar
1 1/2 TBS sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
1 TBS canola oil
1 tsp dried parsley
1/2 tsp dill weed

Slice cucumber in half lengthwise. Thinly slice into half circles. Cut the radishes into the same shape. Combine in a medium bowl. In a small saucepan, combine vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and cook 2 minutes until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and whisk in oil. Pour hot dressing over cucumbers and radishes. Let sit 10 minutes. Sprinkle w/ parsley, dill weed and extra salt. Serve room temperature or chill until.
 ~Join me for Tasty Tuesday at Formula Mom~

Shared on Mandy's Recipe Box May 22, 2012
Shared on Chef in Training May 22, 2012 
Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain May 23, 2012 
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage May 24, 2012 
Shared on Gooseberry Patch May 24, 2012 
Shared on The Country Cook May 25, 2012
Salads at Very Good Recipes
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  1. How lucky you are to have such a good eater. I'm not the most tolerate person with picky eaters so my kids had no choice but to develop their palates! We love cukes and radishes. This time of the year, We have sliced tomatoes, cukes, radishes and peppers fresh from the garden with almost every meal.

  2. This sounds great, Krista! I love cucumbers and radishes, so put them together and it has to be good! :)

  3. Thanks, Lisa :) Jackie- I am kind of the same way. I refused to let him even start to be picky, so I encouraged lots of foods. My mom was the same way w/ me, and was never a short order cook. So I refused to also :)

  4. Nice salad! My husband will love it. I'm pinning the recipe for future reference.

  5. Hi Krista,
    This is a wonderful fresh salad that we could have right out of our garden, yum! Good for you to have a great son to cook for. Hope you have a great holiday week end and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen


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