Saturday, May 19, 2012

Weekend Company {Guest Blogger Elizabeth}

Good Morning and welcome to another weekend! I hope you had a fantastic week and have some relaxation and fun planned for the next 2 days. Today my guest is an EMM fan and a fellow blogger. She has a terrific pasta recipe to share, so you know I'm excited because I love me some carbs!! Please welcome Elizabeth and go visit her very soon~

Hi everyone, my name is Elizabeth and I am the lady behind The GoodCooker-Mom”.  First of all, I want to thank Krista, for the opportunity to be a guest on Everyday Mom Meals. I found Krista and her blog on Facebook and instantly LOVED her easy to understand and tasty meals.

I am a Mom, 7 kids (5 daughters and 2 sons), Grandma, 10 grandkids (7grandsons and 3 granddaughters) Wife, friend, daughter, daughter-in-law, etc.! I am making jewelry, cooking and entertaining.  My love of cooking has deep roots…….I can remember my maternal-grandmother always cooking up yumminess in her kitchen. I loved to visit her and taste her home-made applesauce and pimento cheese (not together, of course).  My mom is a super-duper cook as well. She had 10 children and had to s-t-r-e-t-c-h her food $$ a l-o-n-g way! She would smother chicken and stew tomatoes with macaroni to name a few. My paternal-grandmother made the most amazing home-made fruit cake and home-made tomato juice. 

Today, I want to share one of my favorite go-to meals when I am in the mood for pasta or I want a great meal to impress guests at a dinner-party!  It is healthy, it is easy and it is very tasty!
Thanks again to Krista and I hope you enjoy!!

Angel Hair Pasta with Homemade Tomato Sauce and Feta
2 pints of cherry or grape tomatoes
1-32 oz. box of reduced sodium chicken broth
1-pkg of turkey pepperoni
1-heaping Tablespoon of dried basil (can use fresh if you have it on hand)
1-heaping Tablespoon of minced garlic
2-Small containers of your favorite Feta cheese (I use tomato-basil)
1-lb whole wheat angel hair pasta (or whatever pasta you have on hand)
Salt and Pepper to taste. (I didn’t add any)

Cut tomatoes into quarters.  In a large skillet, place enough broth to cover the pan and add the minced garlic.  Cook until broth is bubbling.  Add tomatoes and enough broth to cover the tomatoes and simmer until tomatoes are cooked.
Cut turkey pepperoni into quarters (can use deli pepperoni in a stick and cut into bite-sized pieces).  I have also used a savory chicken sausage for the meat.
Add pepperoni to tomato/broth skillet and add the remaining broth and continue to simmer until slightly thickened (it will still be somewhat thin).  Cook and drain pasta in Dutch oven and then return to pasta pan.  Pour the sauce over the pasta and gently toss to mix.  At this point, you can add your Feta cheese or put into a large pasta bowl to serve and then add the cheese.  Again, toss gently to distribute the Feta and serve in individual pasta serving bowls and dig-in!

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