Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mother's Day Treat

If you haven't been paying attention to your calendars, Mother's Day is indeed, this Sunday! Hopefully like me you've got some plans made, gifts bought and ideas on how to make mom feel extra special. But if you need a little help (Attention all husbands and fathers out there who just broke out into a cold sweat) your Everyday Mom is here to help. This was in Better Home and Gardens this month, and the minute I saw it I knew I wanted to try it for my little Pop-Tart lover and then share w/ all of you b/c it would be a great way for little hands to treat Mommy on her special day. With a little help from Daddy, or older siblings, the kids can make a cute and scrumptious breakfast for Mommy and feel so proud!! The combinations of flavors are endless and the kids could really get creative with this one. Mr. and Little Everyday gave these 4 thumbs up and declared they were even better than their store bought counterpart. I hope all moms out there have a fantastic Mother's Day filled with special memories and tons of little "huggies and moochies" (as Alex calls them)!!!

Baked Breakfast Pastries
1 package refrigerated pie crusts
Strawberry Jam
1 can strawberry frosting

Preheat oven to 400. Cut dough into 3-inch rectangles. On one side, spread jam leaving about 1/2-inch on all sides. Top w/ another rectangle. Using a fork, crimp the edges to close. Place on a parchment lined baking sheet and bake for 9-12 minutes until slightly browned. Remove and transfer to a cooling rack and place in fridge for about 5-7 minutes. (This will make frosting much easier). Using a butter knife or spatula, spread frosting on. Top w/ sprinkles.

*NOTE* I chose strawberry flavored, but you can use any jam/frosting combo. I also think Nutella filling w/ a Caramel or Chocolate frosting would be delicious.

Steps For Kids:
Using plastic butter knives, they could spread the jam.
Make sure pastries are cool to the touch and they could frost w/ plastic knives.
Adding sprinkles

Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage May 10, 2012
Shared on The Country Cook May 11, 2012


  1. These are so cute, Krista! They look just like Poptarts!! I would love these for breakfast on Mother's Day!

  2. Thanks Lisa! I love that you can add extra frosting! LOL

  3. You make this recipe look and sound so easy and delicious. Thanks for sharing. Come visit us. We have a wonderful strawberry recipe today.

  4. These are great!!
    Loooooooooove the color too

  5. And a 'high five' to you! Awesome idea...think I'm gonna have to make it for visiting gr'kids this weekend. WAY cool!


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