Friday, April 20, 2012

One More Reason

Our entire family are foodies. There is no hiding that. I don't think you could read my posts day after day and get that impression. As I've said before, "we live to eat" while others around us may "eat to live". Each of us have our favorites, and a lot of those overlap from one of us to the next. I don't even remember when I had my first Reuben sandwich, but do remember when Adam and I discovered loving them was yet another thing we shared. We used to have a Schlotzsky's Deli here in Fort Wayne, and to this day, they made the best Reuben either of us every had. Well, of course like most fabulous things, just when you fall in love with them, they leave and you are left wanting just one more! We often order them out at other places, and while some are truly excellent (Arby's makes a pretty decent one), I don't think any will ever live up to the ones we loved there.  Luckily, this is such a simple sandwich to make, I can make them any time we want! To me, there are two keys to a successful Reuben- a great rye bread and a delicious Thousand Island dressing! You can always tell when people skimp on these b/c they just ruin a good sandwich! Perfect for lunch or a light supper, these sandwiches are just one more thing we can love and share together all while loving each other~ Awwwwww~

Reuben Sandwiches
Makes 4 Sandwiches
8 slices rye bread (we prefer no seeds)
8 slices Swiss cheese
8 TBS Thousand Island Dressing (see below)
1 lb. corned beef, sliced thin
Butter for outside of bread
1 (15 oz) can sauerkraut, drained very well

1 c. mayo
1 c. ketchup
1/4 c. sweet pickle relish
2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 TBS sugar
1/4 c. milk, add a little at a time until desired consistency

Butter one side of each slice of bread. On the opposite side of each, spread 1 TBS dressing. Using an electric griddle, heated to 325, lay 4 slices of bread, butter side down. Add 2 slices of cheese, 3-4 slices corned beef, 1/4 c. sauerkraut and top w/ another piece of bread, buttered side up. Allow to brown on 1st side about 2 minutes and carefully flip. Continue to brown second side another 2 minutes.

Shared on The Country Cook Apr. 20, 2012
Shared on Make Ahead Meals Apr. 23, 2012
Sandwiches at Very Good Recipes
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  1. This looks fabulous and I know my hubby would LOVE them! Thanks so much for linking up at Weekend Potluck.

  2. That looks so delicious right now. I haven't had one these in a long time.


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