Thursday, April 26, 2012

Let's Take A Dip

Do you have certain foods you must dip? Does your meal not seem complete unless you have a little ramekin of something extra to add? Well, if you answered yes, I think you are like most Americans, and certainly fit in w/ our family! From French Fries to sausage links, we dip so many things I don't even think about it anymore. It's become second nature to have those little dishes ready and waiting when dinner is served. So when I decided to make the Popcorn Chicken I shared w/ you yesterday I knew I needed a dipping sauce too. Now yes, for Alex that means ketchup. I swear, my kid will dip anything into ketchup! He even dips sweet potato fries in it b/c according to him, they are fries, so it tastes good. And I knew I could just have some bottled barbecue sauce on the table and it would be fine. But I wanted something a little extra special and was so hungry for honey mustard I decided to make my own. And whew~ am I glad I did. These sauce has a real "kick" to it and reminded me of ones I get at restaurants. So tangy yet sweet in the background, it went perfectly w/ those chicken bites.In fact, a big platter of that chicken, along w/ this sauce would be a great appetizer for your next backyard party! So, if your family enjoys a good "dip" as much as mine, try this one today!

Honey Mustard Sauce from
3/4 c. Dijon mustard
1/4 c. honey
1/2 c. mayo
1/8 tsp. garlic salt
1/4 tsp. paprika
Salt and pepper to taste

In a medium bowl, whisk honey, mayo and mustard until well combined. Add garlic salt, paprika, salt and pepper. Stir well. Chill until serving.

Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Apr. 26, 2012
Shared on The Country Cook Apr. 27, 2012
Sauces at Very Good Reicpes
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  1. Can't wait to give this a try, I have one child that would drink this stuff if I let her!

  2. Looks sooo tasty! Honey Mustard is a favorite, and anytime I can DIY I'm a happy gal. Thanks for linking up at Weekend Potluck! =)


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