Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Carb Loading

I love supporting my men!
I am a Taekwondo mom. Actually, I'm a TKD mom and wife! I am so happy to be have my "boys" in an activity they love so much. Not to mention the fact it's a great bonding experience between father and son.  I love sitting in the stands and being proud as punch no matter how they do, but especially when they are rewarded for their hard work w/ trophies, medals, etc. It's so amazing to see the look on Alex's face when he realizes he has won, or even placed. It's absolutely precious! I knew whatever sport Alex chose to participate in some day I would be supportive and present, just like my mom was. (Mine was a softball mom and then a marching band mom!) I would be there for him, in whatever capacity he needed me. And for now, my biggest and most important job in the training process? Food. It's my responsibility to make sure he eats when he needs to, what he needs to, and anything going into his body is only going to help his success. And that means on the nights before tournament competition, mama is busting out the carbs! He will need all the energy we can stockpile into his skinny butt, and a yummy pasta meal the night before is not only helpful, but a treat. Especially if tastes like pizza! I've seen a lot of recipes lately for "pizza casserole", including in a church recipe book my grandma gave me, and this is my version of that. I figured this would be a wonderful "Good Luck" meal that would also achieve the goal of "fueling the mission" so to speak. I love my Monkey and I adore being able to support him in whatever he's doing, even when it's kicking another kid in the head! (Only if pads, protective gear and referees are involved, of course!)

Pizza Casserole
1 lb. rotini (spiral) pasta
1 lb. ground beef
16 oz. mozzarella cheese
1/2 tsp Italian seasoning, plus extra for garnish
1/2 c. pepperoni, diced, plus slices for top
3 ( 8oz) jars pizza sauce

Preheat oven to 350. Cook pasta to al dente, drain and return to hot pot. While pasta is cooking, in a large skillet on medium heat, brown beef and diced pepperoni. Drain and return to skillet. Add 1 jar of sauce to meat mixture and stir. Season w/ Italian seasoning. Add 1 jar of sauce to pasta and stir to combine. In a greased 9x13 pan, add enough sauce to cover bottom. Put 1/2 of pasta in pan, top w/ 1/2 of meat, add some sauce and some cheese. Repeat layers, ending w/ cheese.Sprinkle w/ Italian seasoning. Place pepperoni slices on top. Bake for 30 minutes until heated through and cheese is melted.
*NOTE* Browning the pepperoni w/ the beef allows some of the grease to be discarded. If the slices on top give off some too, just pat dry w/ paper towel after cooking before serving.

Shared on Lady Behind The Curtain Mar. 21, 2012
Shared on It's A Keeper Mar. 22, 2012 
Shared on Miz Helen's Country Cottage Mar. 22, 2012 
Shared on The Country Cook Mar. 23, 2012 
Shared on Addicted To Recipes Mar. 25, 2012
Casserole at Very Good Recipes
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  1. It looks so delicious! And super easy. Thanks for sharing!

  2. That looks terrific! I know my family would gobble it up. We are having a great giveaway this week. Be sure to stop by before Friday and comment for a chance to win a terrific charm bracelet.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your great recipe with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great Spring week end and come back to see me real soon!
    Miz Helen

  4. This would be a huge hit at my house! My boys would be fans for sure. Thanks so much for sharing at Scrumptious Sunday!


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