Saturday, February 18, 2012

Weekend Company {Guest Blogger Mandy}

It's the weekend!!! Stand up and do a happy dance! Seriously, go on~ I won't tell anybody. And I won't judge you! As most of you know, I began blogging in May 2010 but what some of you might not know, is that I consider this "2.0" version of ~EMM after starting my Facebook fan page and connecting w/ other blogs in May of 2011. And the first time I found today's guest's blog I said to myself, "I want to be just like her when I grow up." I was just starting to realize the potential this blog could have and hers was so beautiful, so well laid out, the recipes were amazing and each week she does a blog hop party (for those who don't know, that's a "link up" party where other bloggers share recipes) that I am forever grateful for being featured on! Please, please welcome Mandy to ~EMM. I am SO honored to have her here to share a mouth watering (I'm not kidding, for a week I've been looking at the picture drooling each time!)  recipe w/ you today!

Hey everyone! It's Mandy from Mandy's Recipe Box. I am happy to be here today to share with you one of my favorite sandwiches. Before I do, let me tell you a little about myself. 
I was born and raised in the city. I went to Utah State University where I met my husband-to-be. We married in 2000 and started our family ( 2 girls and one boy) a couple years later. We moved to the middle of nowhere, Idaho and  now I'm a complete country girl. That's what happens when you marry a farmer! 

I love The Greenery in Ogden, Utah.  The food is incredible. This sandwich is what I always order when I go there. On my last visit, I got to looking at it and decided I could make it myself. So I did. And this is exactly it! I was so excited to be able to have this sandwich whenever I want. It is called Fowl Play on their menu, but I just call it the best sandwich ever. Because it is.

Fowl Play from The Greenery
3 or 4 slices Deli Turkey
1/4 or 1/2 of an avocado
Swiss or Mozzerella Cheese
1 toasted Sesame Seed bun

Place a small griddle or skillet on the stove and heat to medium. Place the bun on it dry to toast it. Meanwhile, fold each slice of turkey in half and place next to each other on a microwave safe plate. Place slices of cheese on top and microwave for about 45 seconds or until melted. Place bottom bun on a plate and top with meat and melted cheese. Add avocado, sliced. I use a half of one, but do what you like. Top with sprouts. I use alfalfa, but again, use what you like. Top with the other bun half. That is it! You don't need mayo or any other sauce. The advocado does the job.
Thanks, Krista, for letting me guest blog today!
Please come visit me on Mandy's Recipe Box.
I'm also on Facebook and Pinterest.
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  1. Oh Mandy, i have never eaten at The Greenery. My next visit to Utah, I will have to drop in!
    So glad you dropped in to share with us.

  2. Easy and delicious?! Sounds like a winner to me!


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