Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How Does Your Yard Look?

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done. for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Are you a gardener? Well, as I've said before, I'm really not. However, my husband as a HUGE green thumb. And luckily, he is passing his passion and love for gardening onto our son. (Someday his wife will be as thankful as I am) But now I've found something I think even I could do to help our backyard look even more beautiful. is a site where 3 ladies help you understand more about bulbs, how they can be planted easily and they even show you which ones would be best for your climate/area.
Marcy, the "super mom" of the group is the lady who immediately caught me eye. Marcy says "Honestly, between the kids, the house, the dog and a part-time job, my life is pretty crazy. I'm always looking for simpler ways to take care of the things I have to do so I can spend more time on other things ... like time with my munchkins. To me, bulbs are probably the easiest way to bring some beauty to my life." I think that pretty much sums up this everyday mom!
Now I didn't know much about bulbs before I found this site, but when I learned that bulbs aren't just for gardeners, I knew I'd come to the right place. They are extremely simple plats that can be used for everything from exterior & interior design, to gift giving to even entertaining activities for children and families! Bulbs are in fact, little self containing flower factories! Now I still didn't know which ones I would need or would be best for where we live, but that's where their Garden Guru Tool comes in, courtesy of Curbside Chaos
You simply input some information about where you live, when you would like to plant your bulbs, and what kind you prefer and they give you a detailed guide. Here's the one I made for us:

And now you have the chance to win a $5,000 yard make over from "Bulbs. Dig Drip Done.", an educational program for teaching women about the suprising ease of flower bulbs. One lucky winner will not only win a yard makeover, but also a visit from Taniya Nayak (@TaniyaNayak on Twitter) who will give you extra tips on making your yard all it can be! And all you have to do is submit a photo of your yard to
Plus, for every share on Twitter, "Bulbs. Dip Drop Done." will donate $1.00 to Rebuilding Together, the nation's leading nonprofit working to preserve affordable home ownership and revitalizing communities.
So if you're interested about bulbs, the fabulous ladies, or the contest, visit to learn more

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